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From: Julien Blanc (julien.blanc_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-30 12:57:24

Le samedi 28 septembre 2024 à 18:09 -0500, Braden Ganetsky via Boost a
écrit :

> The name `BOOST_ALL_NO_EMBEDDED_GDB_SCRIPTS` came from a conversation
> between Niall and myself, with assent from other members of the
> community including Dmitry. (I can't remember whether here or on the
> Slack.)

I don't think it was here, because i would probably remember. But i
think it's a good idea.

> I put that macro into use in Unordered and Interprocess, so I assume
> Niall will ultimately add this same option to Outcome. As far as I
> remember, this was the decision. The hope was, eventually this macro
> will be used in more libraries, as they create more pretty printers
> for their types. Then we can disable the script embedding in all
> libraries all at once.

Thanks. This is indeed the kind of consistency i was hoping for.



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