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From: Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-05 11:30:01

On Sat, 5 Oct 2024 at 12:33, Takatoshi Kondo <redboltz_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I would like to bring to your attention two MQTT library proposals:
> We are currently discussing how to review these proposals in the "Two
> MQTT Libraries" thread. You can view the discussion here:
> The latest reply is available here:
> As far as I understand, no final decision has been reached yet.

Thank you for pointing this out.

However, given the following facts which I hope I've got right:

1. mireo/async-mqtt5 was proposed in November 2023
2. redboltz/async_mqtt was proposed in April 2024
3. Authors/Review Managers of mireo/async-mqtt5 submitted for
    review by "e-mailing the Review Wizards" [1] first.
4. No e-mail arrived about redboltz/async_mqtt
5. There have been voices from the Community about possibility to
    host two MQTT libraries, especially if they're approach differs:

I agreed to schedule the review of mireo/async-mqtt5 library
based on the (objective) chronological sequence of the events.

The Community can continue the discussion about the alternative(s)
along or even as part of the scheduled review.
The Community is free to completely boycott the scheduled review
in desire to wait until the ongoing discussions are conclusive.

I also have to keep in mind that such discussion may keep going for months,
if not years, and, in my opinion, it would be unfair to keep authors of
mireo/async-mqtt5 in suspension for long time, wouldn't it?

Unless the Community decides differently, we don't want to use
any other queueing method than simple "first in, first served",
especially in a clashing situation.


Best regards,
Mateusz Łoskot
on behalf of the Boost Review Wizards

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