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From: Jakob Lövhall (lovhall_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-05 17:26:07

> The website could have a checkbox, "hide deprecated", enabled by

I prefer to have a clear indicator that its deprecated rather than making the library difficult to find.
A text saying deprecated somewhere early on in the description should do the job.

Den fredag 4 oktober 2024 kl. 20:21, Vinnie Falco via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> skrev:

> Should one or more of these libraries be marked as "deprecated" in their
> corresponding meta/libraries.json?
> Array
> Assign
> Chrono
> Compatibility
> compressed_pair
> enable_if
> ForEach
> functional
> mem_fn
> move
> Ratio
> ResultOf
> Typeof
> The new website could use this information to annotate the library. We
> could add a "reason" field to libraries.json which is displayed on the
> site. The website could have a checkbox, "hide deprecated", enabled by
> default. We could show the reason for the deprecation. For example, that
> mp11 is a more modern and functional version of MPL. Or that ForEach is now
> a C++ language feature.
> The authors and maintainers of those libraries would need to opt-in to
> this, although we could have someone work up pull requests for some or all
> of those libraries. There might be more libraries that belong on the list,
> feel free to add.
> Another idea we might consider is to add a preprocessor deprecation
> warning, unless the user opts-in by defining BOOST_ALLOW_DEPRECATED or
> something. Before we do that though, we should ensure that no
> non-deprecated Boost libraries are using the above libraries.
> Thanks
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