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From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-07 14:26:04

On Monday, October 7, 2024, Rainer Deyke wrote:
> To quickly summarize my opinions, which I have already explained at length
> in other threads:
> I approve of marking certain older Boost libraries as obsolete.
> I approve of hiding obsolete libraries by default.
> I disapprove of ever removing obsolete libraries from Boost 1.x.
> I approve of a hypothetical Boost 2.x without the obsolete libraries that
> can be used alongside Boost 1.x. I approve of Boost 2.x using C++ modules
> from the beginning. I approve of Boost 1.x continuing to get new releases,
> but gradually being replaced by Boost 2.x in new code.

I agree with this. Notably the "not removing libraries from Boost 1.x" part.

We have users that upgrade Boost versions regularly that:
- Have only one Boost install across the organization, and
- Have projects that depend on old libraries like Boost.MPL as well as new
libraries like Boost.Json

And enough of them that I would prefer to keep supporting them in Boost 1.x
as much as possible.


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