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From: Marc Viala (cram.viala_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-11 05:21:29

Le lun. 7 oct. 2024 à 01:50, Brook Milligan via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>
a écrit :

> > On Oct 6, 2024, at 1:13 PM, Robert Ramey via Boost <
> boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> >
> > I would think that serialization should be added to this list as it uses
> > a lot of "deprecated" libraries and this is not going to change.
> > I would expect that the serialization library is used for possibly
> long-term archives and so stability would be super important.
> > If so, it should not be deprecated, which might suggest that whatever it
> depends should not be either. Perhaps this needs more > thought?
> Sorry for the delay. This is the case in our production code. We heavily
use Boost.Serialization and since back 2004. We have hundreds of systems in
use by our customers. So, this library must be considered with a lot of

Best regards,

Marc Viala

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