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From: Klemens Morgenstern (klemensdavidmorgenstern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-16 06:16:29

Hi all,

the formal boost review of the async-mqtt5 library strats today, the
16th of October and will last until and including the 25th of this

Async.MQTT5 is a professional, industrial-grade C++17 client built on
Boost.Asio. This Client is designed for publishing or receiving
messages from an MQTT 5.0 compatible Broker. Async.MQTT5 represents a
comprehensive implementation of the MQTT 5.0 protocol standard,
offering full support for publishing or receiving messages with QoS 0,
1, and 2.

The library has been developed by mireo, a GPS/GIS software
development company, and their CTO Ivica Siladić submitted it.

The code under review is the current master, which is tagged as
The documentation can be found here:

Please explicitly state that you either *accept* or *reject* the inclusion
of this library into boost.
Also please indicate the time & effort spent on the evaluation and give the
reasons for your decision.

- Does this library bring real benefit to C++ developers for real world
- Do you have an application for this library?
- Does the API match with current best practices?
- Is the documentation helpful and clear?
- Did you try to use it? What problems or surprises did you encounter?
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
- Do you have experience with asio?
- Did you work with MQTT in the past?

More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found

The review is open to anyone who is prepared to put in the work of
evaluating and reviewing the library. Prior experience in contributing to
Boost reviews is not a requirement.

Reviews can also be submitted privately to me, and I will not disclose who
sent them.
I might however cite passages from those reviews in my conclusion.

I think I should mention that there's another mqtt library that has
been proposed for boost, but has yet to find a review manager:
Some ideas of how we could review them together have been discussed on
the mailing list, but this is an independent review of mireo's
You don't have to consider redboltz/async_mqtt when writing your review.

Thanks to Mireo & Ivica for submitting this library.

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