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From: Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-20 16:15:11

On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 11:16 PM Klemens Morgenstern via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> The library has been developed by mireo, a GPS/GIS software
> development company, and their CTO Ivica Siladić submitted it.

Ivica, thank you for submitting this library.

In my opinion, the most important quality of a submission is its usage in
production systems or in other projects. I prefer libraries to demonstrate
utility by gaining popularity or usage well ahead of the review.

Can you please explain the history of this library? Example questions:

* What was the motivation for writing async-mqtt?
* Did you first try using other already-existing libraries and if so, what
was the experience?. If not, then why not?
* How long has async-mqtt been in production?
* Are there any benchmarks or performance metrics?
* What are notable experiences with the production usage?
* What other companies or projects are using async-mqtt?
* Can we reach out to the other users and get their feedback (or better
yet, a review)?

This is important, and I believe this information should be in the
documentation of the library and permanently available. Furthermore, if
there are other mqtt libraries which use Asio (or even in C++) I would like
to see a comparison of differences between async-mqtt and the best 1 or 2
competitors. For example, have a look at this information from Beast:

I think I should mention that there's another mqtt library that has
> been proposed for boost, but has yet to find a review manager:

The documentation for mireo/async_mqtt should include a section which
compares itself to redboltz/async_mqtt. This is useful whether or not the
Mireo library is accepted, as users who are looking for an MQTT library
will be more well-informed by this data.

As a side note, the author of redboltz/async_mqtt should also do all of the
above, if not already done.


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