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From: Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-20 19:49:36

On Sun, Oct 20, 2024 at 12:15 PM Marcelo Zimbres Silva <mzimbres_at_[hidden]>

> > It is also questionable to pollute the public API with log types

I don't characterize a template parameter enabling opt-in to a commonly
requested feature as "pollution."

> ...we are too afraid of upsetting users by logging into a global state

A global solution increases the run-time costs even when not logging, which
the mqtt5 authors find objectionable. I would in fact prefer a global
solution, because I think that paying for a conditional to evaluate a
pointer for being not-null is negligible compared to the other costs. For
example I would prefer this:

    using log_fn_type = void (*)(std::string_view);
    log_fn_type gLogger = nullptr;

and inside mqtt5 member functions:

    if( gLogger != nullptr )
        (*gLogger)("log text");

We have a log library in Boost so why not default to it?

mqtt5 already has enough dependencies (and would benefit from trimming some
of them away). Users who are integrating mqtt5 into their existing code
base might prefer a way to use the logging infrastructure which is already


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