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From: Seth (bugs_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-10-20 21:52:39

On Sun, Oct 20, 2024, at 9:15 PM, Marcelo Zimbres Silva via Boost wrote:

> This is the approach I took in Boost.Redis:

Oh cool. I played around with Redis the other day and failed to figure this out. Yes, not-logging by default really hurts adoption, at least in my case

> [upsetting users by logging into a global state.] We have a log library in
> Boost so why not default to it?

Every single time I try to use Boost Log I run into some permutation of the same three link problems. Boost Log is nice when you need the kitchen sink. I would never want any library to default to it, because it's way too heavy. I would not want to burden any library with the default of Boost Log.

just my usual $0.02

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