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Subject: Re: [ublas] Element-wise operations are really slow - if done wrong
From: Gunter Winkler (guwi17_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-04-25 15:23:49

Hello x,

Am Monday 19 April 2010 schrieb xiss burg:

> for(unsigned int r=0; r<3; ++r)
> for(unsigned int s=0; s<3; ++s)
> {
> m_RKR_1(3*jj+r, 3*kk+s) +=
> t->getCorotatedStiffness0(3*j+r, 3*k+s);
> m_RK(3*jj+r, 3*kk+s) +=
> t->getCorotatedStiffness1(3*j+r, 3*k+s);
> }
> }

I think the biggest performance loss is that you access the matrix
elements by index. This is the slowest possible access for sparse
matrices. If you want best speed then you must use a coordinate matrix
and the push_back operation.

Why? Because append_element(i,j,value) is a O(1) Operation für
coordinate matrix. Additionally coordinate_matrix::append_element(int,
int, T) behaves like the += operator - which is exactly what you need
here. (This is a special feature of COO.) The only cost is an
additional sort and compress step before you can (efficiently) use the
matrix in computations. (This is done explicitly by a call to sort() or
implicitly by trying to modify the matrix with any method except

I used the attached code in my FE program. The flag USE_INSERT is set
for coordinate matrix.

My favorite matrix types are:

// type of stiffnes matrix
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<
  boost::numeric::ublas::basic_row_major<unsigned int, int>,
  boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<unsigned int>,


and for assembly

  // type of temporary stiffnes matrix
# ifdef USE_INSERT
  typedef boost::numeric::ublas::coordinate_matrix<
# else
    typedef boost::numeric::ublas::generalized_vector_of_vector<
boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_vector<double> >
# endif
