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From: Jim.Hyslop (jim.hyslop_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-25 08:35:05

Jon Kalb [SMTP:jonkalb_at_[hidden]] wrote:

> Proposal
> I would like to propose a forum for Boost library users.
I like the idea.

One minor disadvantage I might foresee, although this might end up being

Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the new list is called
"boost-users". The existing "boost" list should probably be re-named
"boost-developers" (or something similar that suggests the list is for
people developing boost libraries). Is it possible to rename a Yahoo list?

On the other hand, Yahoo does provide ample opportunity to review the
description of a group before you subscribe to it (assuming you subscribe
via the web interface, that is). So maybe I'm just setting up a straw man.


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