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From: Björn Karlsson (bjorn.karlsson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-26 10:03:00

> The duties of the moderators should probably be decided by
> the moderators
> themselves, although there are a few obvious points:
> 1. Respond to user requests for mailing list services, when
> neccessary (e.g.
> "I can't figure out how to remove myself")
> 2. Maintain a positive, professional tone in the
> conversations. Step in to
> prevent eruptions if required. Ban abusers if absolutely neccessary.
> 3. Establish policies for the list. You may decide to adopt
> most of the
> regular boost policies, but you may also feel that some
> modification is
> appropriate for a boost-users list.
> I think that the role of moderators will likely evolve, since we will
> discover new ways of working with two lists. Moderators may
> need to act as
> "go-betweens" to make sure important info is seen by the right people.
> -Dave

I agree, but I think that we will also need to find an "acceptable level of
However, as you say, the working order could and should evolve.


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