[Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #13164: Unable to build Boost.Iostreams with pre-built zlib on Windows

Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #13164: Unable to build Boost.Iostreams with pre-built zlib on Windows
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-08-17 10:00:42

#13164: Unable to build Boost.Iostreams with pre-built zlib on Windows
 Reporter: listhex@… | Owner: Jonathan
                                               | Turkanis
     Type: Bugs | Status: new
Milestone: Boost 1.64.0 | Component: iostreams
  Version: Boost 1.64.0 | Severity: Problem
 Keywords: iostreams build zlib windows msvc |
 I want zlib to be statically linked to the iostreams library

 Command line approach:

 b2 --with-iostreams link=static -sNO_ZLIB=0 -sNO_COMPRESSION=0
 -sZLIB_INCLUDE=e:/zlib/include -sZLIB_LIBRARY_PATH=e:/
 b/lib -sZLIB_BINARY=zlib.lib -sZLIB_NAME=zlib --debug-configuration

 After that I get :
 unresolved external symbol "int const boost::iostreams::zlib::best_speed"

 unresolved external symbol "int const


 The same situation if configure 'using zlib' in user-config.jam:

 using zlib : : <include>e:/zlib/include <search>e:/
 b/lib <name>zlib : <toolset>msvc ;

 and command:
 b2 --with-iostreams link=static -sNO_ZLIB=0 -sNO_COMPRESSION=0 --debug-

Ticket URL: <https://svn.boost.org/trac10/boost/ticket/13164>
Boost C++ Libraries <http://www.boost.org/>
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.

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