Boost-Build : |
From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-03-16 05:35:48
Zbynek Winkler wrote:
> > Ah, but did you ever see the warning. In what case did you see it?
> That is rather complicated issue... :( I have my feature to define one of 4
> aritmetic modes for a number library of mine. What I really wanted was to
> have a feature that could be put in the usage-requirements for this
> library. But I did not want it to have a certain value. I just wanted it to
> be set so the user could possibly specify a different value.
So, you wanted to specify some feature for your library which the user can
override? Why should it be in usage-requirements?
> I've seen the
> warning while experimenting with this setup and concluded that it was
> right. After that I made the feature nonoptional because I've found no
> other way to do it. The problem with that is that I get 4 different builds
> even for things that do not use the library. Sigh :(
Yea, that's a problem with no solution so far. But I still don't understand
where link-compatibility warning goes from.
> > Nothing, except I think it hits a bug in the current code. "msvc-6.0" in
> > requirements is not expanded.
> >
> > The good news is that I have some fixes lying locally which should fix
> > this. I'd commit and announce it later this week.
> Great! Thanks. I just hope I am not being pain in t... I understand that
> bbv2 can use some more testing & bug reporting, right?
Sure! Testing and bug reporting is very important now and it's interesting to
see how V2 is used in many ways. Thanks for your contributions!
- Volodya
Boost-Build list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk