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Boost-Build : |
From: Alexey Pakhunov (alexeypa_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-31 13:52:50
During the weekend I spent some time improving the 'msvc' toolset and
the results I would say are quite good. :)
The attached patch implements number of features:
- Platform SDK + Visual Studio configurations;
- Experimental support of amd64 and ia64 cross-compiling;
- Updated msvc-config;
- Some fixes in the resource compiler;
- Support of .idl (This one is almost the same as the one I posted
recently. The only difference is just a small bug fix);
- Rules for building .mc files.
(The first two are inspired by Andrey Melnikov. :) )
Now the 'msvc' toolset recognizes the following configurations features:
- <toolset-version>: 6.0, 7.0, 7.1, 8.0;
- <toolset-sdk>: studio, psdk;
- <toolset-platform>: win2k, winxp, win2k3;
- <toolset-arch>: i386, amd64, ia64.
'<toolset-sdk>psdk' makes the toolset use Platform SDK headers,
libraries and (for 64bit only) compiler.
'<toolset-platform>' is meaningful only for PSDK-based configuration.
The default value is 'win2k3'
'<toolset-arch>' selects the target platform architecture. Sure this one
works with PSDK only.
'msvc-config' was updated so it will try to detect all installed MSVC
compilers and register all allowed configurations (both VS-only and
PSDK-based). I didn't find any good way to detect location of the
installed PSDK so users will have to pass the path to the
'msvc-config.init' rule. For example:
import toolset : using ;
import msvc-config ;
using msvc-config : "D:\\Kits\\Platform SDK" ;
The patch also changes behavior of 'common.check-init-parameters'. Now
it is legal to have a defined subfeature used as a condition
(<toolset-msvc:version> for instance) while calling
'common.check-init-parameters'. The rule will define the subfeature only
if it wasn't defined already.
This is really useful when you need to define some compiler flags that
depends on 'conditional' features like <toolset-msvc:arch> outside of
the 'init' rule.
Any comments?
I was able to test only VC+ Toolkit, VS 8 with PSDK for Win2K3 (all
configurations). It would be nice to test other. The 64bit
configurations are tested only for ability to generate .exe files.
Best regards,
Alexey Pakhunov.
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diff -Naur BBv2.old/build/feature.jam BBv2.new/build/feature.jam
--- BBv2.old/build/feature.jam 2005-07-31 19:22:14.649342400 +0200
+++ BBv2.new/build/feature.jam 2005-07-30 22:54:47.611332800 +0200
@@ -567,6 +567,32 @@
extend-subfeature $(feature) $(value-string) : $(subfeature) : $(subvalues) ;
+# Declares a subfeature
+rule does-subfeature-exist (
+ feature # Root feature that is not a subfeature
+ value-string ? # A value-string specifying which feature or
+ # subfeature values this subfeature is specific to,
+ # if any
+ : subfeature # The name of the subfeature being declared
+ feature = [ grist $(feature) ] ;
+ validate-feature $(feature) ;
+ # Add grist to the subfeature name if a value-string was supplied
+ local subfeature-name = [ get-subfeature-name $(subfeature) $(value-string) ] ;
+ if $(subfeature-name) in $($(feature).subfeatures)
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false ;
+ }
# Set the components of the given composite property
rule compose ( composite-property : component-properties * )
diff -Naur BBv2.old/tools/common.jam BBv2.new/tools/common.jam
--- BBv2.old/tools/common.jam 2005-07-31 19:22:16.582121600 +0200
+++ BBv2.new/tools/common.jam 2005-07-30 22:54:29.264952000 +0200
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
local name = $($(index)[1]) ;
local value = $($(index)[2]) ;
if $(value)-is-specified
condition = $(condition)-$(value) ;
@@ -65,7 +65,12 @@
if ! $(.declared-subfeature.$(t).$(name))
- feature.subfeature toolset $(t) : $(name) : : propagated ;
+ # Check whether the subfeature already exists
+ local f = [ feature.does-subfeature-exist toolset $(t) : $(name) ] ;
+ if $(f) != true
+ {
+ feature.subfeature toolset $(t) : $(name) : : propagated ;
+ }
.declared-subfeature.$(t).$(name) = true ;
.had-value.$(toolset).$(name) = true ;
diff -Naur BBv2.old/tools/mc.jam BBv2.new/tools/mc.jam
--- BBv2.old/tools/mc.jam 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ BBv2.new/tools/mc.jam 2005-07-30 09:46:45.490379200 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#~ Copyright 2005 Alexey Pakhunov.
+#~ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+#~ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+import common ;
+import generators ;
+import feature : feature get-values ;
+import toolset : flags ;
+import type ;
+import rc ;
+rule init ( )
+type.register MC : mc ;
+# Command line options
+feature mc-input-encoding : ansi unicode : free ;
+feature mc-output-encoding : unicode ansi : free ;
+feature mc-set-customer-bit : no yes : free ;
+flags mc.compile MCFLAGS <mc-input-encoding>ansi : -a ;
+flags mc.compile MCFLAGS <mc-input-encoding>unicode : -u ;
+flags mc.compile MCFLAGS <mc-output-encoding>ansi : -A ;
+flags mc.compile MCFLAGS <mc-output-encoding>unicode : -U ;
+flags mc.compile MCFLAGS <mc-set-customer-bit>no : ;
+flags mc.compile MCFLAGS <mc-set-customer-bit>yes : -c ;
+generators.register-standard mc.compile : MC : H RC ;
+actions compile
+ mc $(MCFLAGS) -h "$(<[1]:DW)" -r "$(<[2]:DW)" "$(>:W)"
diff -Naur BBv2.old/tools/midl.jam BBv2.new/tools/midl.jam
--- BBv2.old/tools/midl.jam 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ BBv2.new/tools/midl.jam 2005-07-28 08:03:34.142961600 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#~ Copyright 2005 Alexey Pakhunov.
+#~ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+#~ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+# Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) related routines
+import common ;
+import generators ;
+import feature : feature get-values ;
+import scanner ;
+import toolset : flags ;
+import type ;
+rule init ( )
+type.register IDL : idl ;
+type.register TLB : tlb ;
+# Register scanner for MIDL files
+class midl-scanner : scanner
+ import regex virtual-target path scanner ;
+ rule __init__ ( includes * )
+ {
+ scanner.__init__ ;
+ self.includes = $(includes) ;
+ }
+ rule pattern ( )
+ {
+ return
+ "(((include[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"([ ]*,[ ]*\"[^\"]*\")*)|(import[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"([ ]*,[ ]*\"[^\"]*\")*)|(importlib[ ]*[(][ ]*\"[^\"]*\"([ ]*,[ ]*\"[^\"]*\")*[ ]*[)]))[ ]*;)" ;
+ }
+ rule process ( target : matches * : binding )
+ {
+ local included = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "include[ ]*\"([^\"]*)\"([ ]*,[ ]*\"([^\"]*)\")*[ ]*;" : 1 3 ] ;
+ local imported = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "import[ ]*\"([^\"]*)\"([ ]*,[ ]*\"([^\"]*)\")*[ ]*;" : 1 3 ] ;
+ local imported_tlbs = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "importlib[ ]*[(][ ]*\"([^\"]*)\"([ ]*,[ ]*\"([^\"]*)\")*[ ]*[)][ ]*;" : 1 3 ] ;
+ # CONSIDER: the new scoping rule seem to defeat "on target" variables.
+ local g = [ on $(target) return $(HDRGRIST) ] ;
+ local b = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(binding:D) ] ;
+ # Attach binding of including file to included targets.
+ # When target is directly created from virtual target
+ # this extra information is unnecessary. But in other
+ # cases, it allows to distinguish between two headers of the
+ # same name included from different places.
+ local g2 = $(g)"#"$(b) ;
+ included = $(included:G=$(g2)) ;
+ imported = $(imported:G=$(g2)) ;
+ imported_tlbs = $(imported_tlbs:G=$(g2)) ;
+ local all = $(included) $(imported) ;
+ INCLUDES $(target) : $(all) ;
+ DEPENDS $(target) : $(imported_tlbs) ;
+ NOCARE $(all) $(imported_tlbs) ;
+ SEARCH on $(included) = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;
+ SEARCH on $(imported) = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;
+ SEARCH on $(imported_tlbs) = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;
+ scanner.propagate c-scanner : $(included) : $(target) ;
+ scanner.propagate $(__name__) : $(imported) : $(target) ;
+ }
+scanner.register midl-scanner : include ;
+type.set-scanner IDL : midl-scanner ;
+# Command line options
+feature midl-stubless-proxy : yes no : propagated ;
+feature midl-environment : win32 win64 : propagated ;
+feature midl-robust : yes no : propagated ;
+flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-stubless-proxy>yes : /Oicf ;
+flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-stubless-proxy>no : /Oic ;
+flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-environment>win32 : /win32 ;
+flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-environment>win64 : /win64 ;
+flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-robust>yes : /robust ;
+flags midl.compile.idl MIDLFLAGS <midl-robust>no : /no_robust ;
+generators.register-c-compiler midl.compile.idl : IDL : TLB H C(%_i) C(%_proxy) C(%_dlldata) ;
+actions compile.idl
+ midl /nologo /U$(UNDEFS) /D$(DEFINES) $(MIDLFLAGS) /I"$(INCLUDES)" /tlb "$(<[1]:W)" /h "$(<[2]:W)" /iid "$(<[3]:W)" /proxy "$(<[4]:W)" /dlldata "$(<[5]:W)" "$(>:W)"
diff -Naur BBv2.old/tools/msvc-config.jam BBv2.new/tools/msvc-config.jam
--- BBv2.old/tools/msvc-config.jam 2005-07-31 19:22:16.592136000 +0200
+++ BBv2.new/tools/msvc-config.jam 2005-07-31 19:13:36.484257600 +0200
@@ -6,9 +6,26 @@
import os ;
import toolset : using ;
+import path ;
+# Registers a single msvc toolset configuration
+rule register ( options * )
+ if --debug-configuration in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+ {
+ ECHO "notice:" using msvc ":" $(options) ;
+ }
+ using msvc : $(options) ;
if [ os.name ] = NT
+ #
+ # Get installation paths from the registry
+ #
for local R in 8.0 7.1 7.0
local vc-path = [ W32_GETREG
@@ -18,11 +35,167 @@
if $(vc-path)
- if --debug-configuration in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+ vc-path = [ path.make $(vc-path) ] ;
+ vc-path = [ path.join $(vc-path) "bin" ] ;
+ vc-path = [ path.native $(vc-path) ] ;
+ .version-$(vc-version)-command = [ GLOB $(vc-path) : cl.exe ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Check environment and default instllation paths
+ #
+ local ProgramFiles = [ os.environ ProgramFiles ] ;
+ if ! $(ProgramFiles)
+ {
+ ProgramFiles = "C:\\Program Files" ;
+ }
+ local command = cl.exe ;
+ # 6.0
+ # Check the default installation path
+ if ! $(.version-6.0-command)
+ {
+ .version-6.0-command = [ GLOB $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\bin" : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ # 7.0
+ # Check the default installation path
+ if ! $(.version-7.0-command)
+ {
+ .version-7.0-command = [ GLOB $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\\VC7\\bin" : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ # 7.1
+ if ! $(.version-7.1-command)
+ {
+ local VS71COMNTOOLS = [ modules.peek : VS71COMNTOOLS ] ;
+ {
+ # VS71COMNTOOLS is set by VS .NET 2003 to <VSDIR>\Common7\Tools
+ local version-7.1-path = [ path.make "$(VS71COMNTOOLS:J= )" ] ;
+ version-7.1-path = [ path.parent $(version-7.1-path) ] ;
+ version-7.1-path = [ path.parent $(version-7.1-path) ] ;
+ version-7.1-path = [ path.join $(version-7.1-path) "VC7" ] ;
+ version-7.1-path = [ path.join $(version-7.1-path) "bin" ] ;
+ version-7.1-path = [ path.native $(version-7.1-path) ] ;
+ .version-7.1-command = [ GLOB $(version-7.1-path) : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ # Check VCToolkitInstallDir
+ if ! $(.version-7.1-command)
+ {
+ local VCToolkitInstallDir = [ modules.peek : VCToolkitInstallDir ] ;
+ if $(VCToolkitInstallDir)
+ {
+ # VCToolkitInstallDir is set by VC++ Toolkit to <VCToolkit>
+ local version-7.1-path = [ path.make "$(VCToolkitInstallDir:J= )" ] ;
+ version-7.1-path = [ path.join $(version-7.1-path) "bin" ] ;
+ version-7.1-path = [ path.native $(version-7.1-path) ] ;
+ .version-7.1-command = [ GLOB $(version-7.1-path) : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ # Check the default installation path (Visual Studio)
+ if ! $(.version-7.1-command)
+ {
+ .version-7.1-command = [ GLOB $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\VC7\\bin" : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ # Check the default installation path (VC++ Toolkit)
+ if ! $(.version-7.1-command)
+ {
+ .version-7.1-command = [ GLOB $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\\bin" : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ # 8.0
+ if ! $(.version-8.0-command)
+ {
+ local VS80COMNTOOLS = [ modules.peek : VS80COMNTOOLS ] ;
+ {
+ # VS80COMNTOOLS is set by VS .NET 2005 to <VSDIR>\Common7\Tools
+ local version-8.0-path = [ path.make "$(VS80COMNTOOLS:J= )" ] ;
+ version-8.0-path = [ path.parent $(version-8.0-path) ] ;
+ version-8.0-path = [ path.parent $(version-8.0-path) ] ;
+ version-8.0-path = [ path.join $(version-8.0-path) "VC" ] ;
+ version-8.0-path = [ path.join $(version-8.0-path) "bin" ] ;
+ version-8.0-path = [ path.native $(version-8.0-path) ] ;
+ .version-8.0-command = [ GLOB $(version-8.0-path) : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ # Check the default installation path (Visual Studio)
+ if ! $(.version-8.0-command)
+ {
+ .version-8.0-command = [ GLOB $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\VC\\bin" : $(command) ] ;
+ }
+ #
+ # Register all found versions
+ #
+ for local R in 8.0 7.1 7.0 6.0
+ {
+ if $(.version-$(R)-command)
+ {
+ register <version>$(R) <msvc-command>$(.version-$(R)-command) ;
+ }
+ }
+# The 'init' rule additionally registers Platform SDK-based configurations
+rule init (
+ # Platform SDK path (default is "C:\\Program Files\\Mircosoft Platform SDK")
+ psdk-path ?
+ )
+ if [ os.name ] = NT
+ {
+ local ProgramFiles = [ os.environ ProgramFiles ] ;
+ if ! $(ProgramFiles)
+ {
+ ProgramFiles = "C:\\Program Files" ;
+ }
+ # Validate the path
+ psdk-path ?= $(ProgramFiles)"\\Mircosoft Platform SDK" ;
+ if ! [ GLOB $(psdk-path) : SetEnv.Cmd ]
+ {
+ psdk-path = ;
+ }
+ if $(psdk-path)
+ {
+ for local R in 8.0 7.1 7.0 6.0
- ECHO "notice:" using msvc ":" $(vc-version) ":" "$(vc-path)\\bin\\cl.exe" ;
+ if $(.version-$(R)-command)
+ {
+ register <version>$(R) <sdk>psdk <platform>win2k <arch>i386 <msvc-command>$(.version-$(R)-command) <psdk-path>$(psdk-path) ;
+ register <version>$(R) <sdk>psdk <platform>winxp <arch>i386 <msvc-command>$(.version-$(R)-command) <psdk-path>$(psdk-path) ;
+ register <version>$(R) <sdk>psdk <platform>winxp <arch>amd64 <msvc-command>$(.version-$(R)-command) <psdk-path>$(psdk-path) ;
+ register <version>$(R) <sdk>psdk <platform>win2k3 <arch>i386 <msvc-command>$(.version-$(R)-command) <psdk-path>$(psdk-path) ;
+ register <version>$(R) <sdk>psdk <platform>win2k3 <arch>amd64 <msvc-command>$(.version-$(R)-command) <psdk-path>$(psdk-path) ;
+ register <version>$(R) <sdk>psdk <platform>win2k3 <arch>ia64 <msvc-command>$(.version-$(R)-command) <psdk-path>$(psdk-path) ;
+ }
- using msvc : $(vc-version) : "$(vc-path)\\bin\\cl.exe" ;
diff -Naur BBv2.old/tools/msvc.jam BBv2.new/tools/msvc.jam
--- BBv2.old/tools/msvc.jam 2005-07-31 19:22:16.592136000 +0200
+++ BBv2.new/tools/msvc.jam 2005-07-31 19:42:22.726472000 +0200
@@ -13,8 +13,11 @@
import path ;
import sequence : unique ;
import common ;
+import regex ;
import rc ;
+import midl ;
+import mc ;
if [ MATCH (--debug-configuration) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ]
@@ -30,191 +33,281 @@
# to be seen, though ;-)
+# Inherit MIDL flags
+toolset.inherit-flags msvc : midl ;
+# Inherit MC flags
+toolset.inherit-flags msvc : mc ;
RM = [ common.rm-command ] ;
-# Initialize the toolset for a specific version. As the result, path to
-# compiler and, possible, program names are set up, and will be used when
-# that version of compiler is requested. For example, you might have::
-# using msvc : 6.5 : X:/some_dir ;
-# using msvc : 7.0 : Y:/some_dir ;
-# using msvc : : Z:/some_dir
-# If you have "msvc-6.5" in build request, the version from X: drive will be used,
-# and if you put only "msvc", then drive "Z:" will be used. Note that it's not possible
-# the specify that by default, version 7.0 must be used --- you should use 'using'
-# without version number for that effect.
-# version --
-# path --
+# toolset: msvc
+# toolset-version: 6.0, 7.0., 7.1, 8.0
+# toolset-platform: win2k, winxp, win2k3
+# toolset-arch: i386, amd64, ia64
+# toolset-sdk: psdk, studio
-# When invoking tools, we'll first run vcvars32.bat from the configured path and
-# then cl/link, without path.
-# Note: for free VC7.1 tools, we don't correctly find vcvars32.bar when user
-# explicitly provides a path.
-rule init (
- version ? # the msvc version which is being configured. When omitted
- # the tools invoked when no explicit version is given will be configured.
- : command *
- # the command to invoke the compiler. If not specified:
- # - if version is given, default location for that version will be searched
- #
- # - if version is not given, default locations for 7.1, 7.0 and 6.* will
- # be searched
- #
- # - if compiler is not found in default locations, PATH will be searched.
- : options *
- # options can include <setup>, <compiler>, <linker> and <resource-compiler>
- # setup will be used iff a path has been specified. If setup is
- # not specified, vcvars32.bat will be used instead.
- setup = [ get-values <setup> : $(options) ] ;
- setup ?= vcvars32.bat ;
- compiler = [ get-values <compiler> : $(options) ] ;
- compiler ?= cl ;
- linker = [ get-values <linker> : $(options) ] ;
- linker ?= link ;
- resource-compiler = [ get-values <resource-compiler> : $(options) ] ;
- resource-compiler ?= rc ;
- local condition = [ common.check-init-parameters msvc :
- version $(version) ] ;
- # If version is specified, we try to search first in default paths,
- # and only then in PATH.
- command = [ common.get-invocation-command msvc : cl.exe : $(command)
- : [ default-paths $(version) ] : $(version) ] ;
- common.handle-options msvc : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;
- if $(command)
- {
- command = [ common.get-absolute-tool-path $(command[-1]) ] ;
+feature.subfeature toolset msvc : version
+ : 8.0 7.1 7.0 6.0
+ : propagated
+ ;
+feature.subfeature toolset msvc : platform
+ : win2k3 winxp win2k
+ : propagated
+ ;
+feature.subfeature toolset msvc : arch
+ : i386 amd64 ia64
+ : propagated
+ ;
+rule init (
+ options *
+ )
+ #
+ # Get unique toolset id: version, platform, arch and sdk.
+ #
+ version = [ get-values <version> : $(options) ] ;
+ version ?= 8.0 ;
+ platform = [ get-values <platform> : $(options) ] ;
+ platform ?= win2k3 ;
+ arch = [ get-values <arch> : $(options) ] ;
+ arch ?= i386 ;
+ sdk = [ get-values <sdk> : $(options) ] ;
+ sdk ?= studio ;
+ local condition =
+ [ common.check-init-parameters msvc :
+ version $(version) :
+ platform $(platform) :
+ arch $(arch) :
+ sdk $(sdk)
+ ] ;
+ if --debug-configuration in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+ {
+ ECHO "msvc toolset initialization: condition " $(condition) ;
- local root = $(command:D) ;
- setup = $(root)\\bin\\$(setup) ;
- # CONSIDER: What's the point of 'call'. Can we invoke the script directly?
- setup = "call \""$(setup)"\" > nul " ;
- if [ os.name ] = NT
+ #
+ # Check validness of the selected parameters
+ #
+ if
+ ( $(sdk) = studio && $(arch) != i386 ) ||
+ ( $(platform) = win2k && $(arch) != i386 ) ||
+ ( $(platform) = winxp && $(arch) = ia64 )
- setup = $(setup)"
-" ;
+ error
+ "msvc toolset initialization: an incompartible combination: "
+ "<toolset-msvc:platform>$(platform) <toolset-msvc:arch>$(arch) <toolset-msvc:sdk>$(sdk)" ;
- else
+ #
+ # Construct command prefix
+ #
+ msvc-setup = [ get-values <msvc-setup> : $(options) ] ;
+ msvc-setup ?= vcvars32.bat ;
+ msvc-command = [ get-values <msvc-command> : $(options) ] ;
+ if $(arch) = i386 && ! $(msvc-command)
- setup = "cmd /S /C "$(setup)" \"&&\" " ;
+ error "msvc toolset initialization: <msvc-command> is required when <toolset-msvc:arch>i386 selected" ;
- # prefix with setup, or quoted path if any
- local prefix = $(setup) ;
- flags msvc.compile .CC $(condition) : $(prefix)$(compiler) ;
- flags msvc.compile .RC $(condition) : $(prefix)$(resource-compiler) ;
- flags msvc.link .LD $(condition) : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
- flags msvc.archive .LD $(condition) : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
- if ! $(version)
+ psdk-setup = [ get-values <psdk-setup> : $(options) ] ;
+ psdk-setup ?= SetEnv.Cmd ;
+ psdk-path = [ get-values <psdk-path> : $(options) ] ;
+ if $(sdk) = psdk && ! $(psdk-path)
- # Even if version is not explicitly specified, try to detect the version
- # from the path.
- if [ MATCH "(Microsoft Visual Studio 8)" : $(command) ]
- {
- version = 8.0 ;
- }
- else if [ MATCH "(\\.NET 2003\\VC7)" : $(command) ] ||
- [ MATCH "(Microsoft Visual C\\+\\+ Toolkit 2003)" : $(command) ]
+ error "msvc toolset initialization: <psdk-path> is required when <toolset-msvc:sdk>psdk selected" ;
+ }
+ if $(msvc-command)
+ {
+ msvc-command = [ common.get-absolute-tool-path $(msvc-command[-1]) ] ;
+ local parent = [ path.make $(msvc-command) ] ;
+ parent = [ path.parent $(parent) ] ;
+ parent = [ path.native $(parent) ] ;
+ # The vccars32.bat is actually in "bin" directory.
+ # (except for free VC7.1 tools)
+ msvc-setup = [ GLOB $(msvc-command) $(parent) : $(msvc-setup) ] ;
+ if ! $(msvc-setup)
- version = 7.1 ;
+ error "msvc toolset initialization: Visual Studio setup script not found" ;
- else if [ MATCH "(.NET\\VC7)" : $(command) ]
+ msvc-setup = "call \""$(msvc-setup)"\" > nul 2>&1" ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msvc-setup = ;
+ }
+ if $(psdk-path)
+ {
+ psdk-setup = [ GLOB $(psdk-path) : $(psdk-setup) ] ;
+ if ! $(psdk-setup)
- version = 7.0 ;
+ error "msvc toolset initialization: Platform SDK setup script not found" ;
- else
+ psdk-setup = "\""$(psdk-setup)"\"" ;
+ switch $(platform)
- version = 6.0 ;
- }
+ case win2k :
+ psdk-setup = $(psdk-setup)" /2000" ;
+ case winxp :
+ if $(arch) = i386
+ {
+ psdk-setup = $(psdk-setup)" /XP32" ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ psdk-setup = $(psdk-setup)" /XP64" ;
+ }
+ case win2k3 :
+ switch $(arch)
+ {
+ case i386 : psdk-setup = $(psdk-setup)" /SRV32" ;
+ case amd64 : psdk-setup = $(psdk-setup)" /X64" ;
+ case ia64 : psdk-setup = $(psdk-setup)" /SRV64" ;
+ }
+ }
+ psdk-setup = $(psdk-setup)" /DEBUG" ;
+ psdk-setup = "call "$(psdk-setup)" > nul 2>&1" ;
- # Starting with versions 7.0, the msvc compiler have the /Zc:forScope
- # and /Zc:wchar_t options that improve C++ standard conformance, but
- # those options are off by default.
- # If we're sure that msvc version is at 7.*, add those options explicitly.
- # We can be sure either if user specified version 7.* explicitly,
- # or if the installation path contain 7.* (this is checked above).
- if [ MATCH ^(7\..*) : $(version) ]
+ else
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition) : /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t ;
+ psdk-setup = ;
- # 8.0 deprecates some of the options
- if ! [ MATCH ^([67].*) : $(version) ]
+ local command-separator = " \"&&\" " ;
+ if [ os.name ] = NT
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed : /O2 ;
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>space : /O1 ;
- flags msvc.link.dll MANIFEST : "mt -manifest " ;
- flags msvc.link.dll OUTPUTRESOURCE : "-outputresource:" ;
+ command-separator = "
+" ;
- else
- {
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed : /Ogity /O2 /Gs ;
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>space : /Ogisy /O1 /Gs ;
- }
-rule default-paths ( version ? )
- local possible-paths ;
+ local prefix ;
- local ProgramFiles = [ os.environ ProgramFiles ] ;
- if ! $(ProgramFiles)
- {
- ProgramFiles = "c:\\Program Files" ;
+ if $(msvc-setup)
+ {
+ prefix = $(msvc-setup)$(command-separator) ;
- local version-6-path = $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98" ;
- local version-7-path = $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\\VC7" ;
- local version-7.0-path = $(version-7-path) ;
- local version-7.1-path = $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\VC7" ;
- local version-8.0-path = $(ProgramFiles)"\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8" ;
- local VS71COMNTOOLS = [ modules.peek : VS71COMNTOOLS ] ;
+ if $(psdk-setup)
- # VS71COMNTOOLS is set by VS .NET 2003 to <VSDIR>\Common7\Tools
- version-7.1-path = [ path.make "$(VS71COMNTOOLS:J= )" ] ;
- version-7.1-path = [ path.parent $(version-7.1-path) ] ;
- version-7.1-path = [ path.parent $(version-7.1-path) ] ;
- version-7.1-path = [ path.join $(version-7.1-path) "VC7" ] ;
- version-7.1-path = [ path.native $(version-7.1-path) ] ;
+ prefix = $(prefix)$(psdk-setup)$(command-separator) ;
- local VCToolkitInstallDir = [ modules.peek : VCToolkitInstallDir ] ;
- if $(VCToolkitInstallDir)
+ if [ os.name ] != NT
- version-7.1-path = [ path.make "$(VCToolkitInstallDir:J= )" ] ;
+ prefix = "cmd /S /C "$(prefix) ;
- if $(version)
+ common.handle-options msvc : $(condition) : $(prefix) : $(options) ;
+ #
+ # Get tool names (if any) and finish setup
+ #
+ compiler = [ get-values <compiler> : $(options) ] ;
+ compiler ?= cl ;
+ linker = [ get-values <linker> : $(options) ] ;
+ linker ?= link ;
+ resource-compiler = [ get-values <resource-compiler> : $(options) ] ;
+ resource-compiler ?= rc ;
+ idl-compiler = [ get-values <idl-compiler> : $(options) ] ;
+ idl-compiler ?= midl ;
+ mc-compiler = [ get-values <mc-compiler> : $(options) ] ;
+ mc-compiler ?= mc ;
+ #
+ # Register 'debug' commands
+ #
+ if --debug-configuration in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
- local v = [ MATCH ^(6|[^6].*) : $(version) ] ;
- possible-paths += $(version-$(v)-path) ;
+ ECHO "msvc toolset initialization: 'debug' prefix " $(prefix) ;
- else
+ flags msvc.compile .CC $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>on : $(prefix)$(compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .RC $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>on : $(prefix)$(resource-compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .IDL $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>on : $(prefix)$(idl-compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .MC $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>on : $(prefix)$(mc-compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.link .LD $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>on : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
+ flags msvc.archive .LD $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>on : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
+ #
+ # Register 'release' commands
+ #
+ prefix = [ regex.replace $(prefix) "[ ][/]DEBUG" " /RETAIL" ] ;
+ if --debug-configuration in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
- possible-paths += $(version-8.0-path) $(version-7.1-path) $(version-7.0-path) $(version-6-path) ;
+ ECHO "msvc toolset initialization: 'release' prefix " $(prefix) ;
- # The vccars32.bat is actually in "bin" directory.
- # (except for free VC7.1 tools)
- possible-paths = $(possible-paths)\\bin $(possible-paths) ;
- return $(possible-paths) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .CC $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>off : $(prefix)$(compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .RC $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>off : $(prefix)$(resource-compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .IDL $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>off : $(prefix)$(idl-compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .MC $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>off : $(prefix)$(mc-compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.link .LD $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>off : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
+ flags msvc.archive .LD $(condition)/<runtime-debugging>off : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
+ # Starting with versions 7.0, the msvc compiler have the /Zc:forScope
+ # and /Zc:wchar_t options that improve C++ standard conformance, but
+ # those options are off by default.
+ # If we're sure that msvc version is at 7.*, add those options explicitly.
+ # We can be sure either if user specified version 7.* explicitly,
+ # or if the installation path contain 7.* (this is checked above).
+ if [ MATCH ^([78]\..*) : $(version) ]
+ {
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition) : /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t ;
+ }
+ # 8.0 deprecates some of the options
+ if $(version) = "8.0"
+ {
+ flags msvc.link MANIFEST $(condition) : "mt -nologo -manifest " ;
+ flags msvc.link OUTPUTRESOURCE $(condition) : "-outputresource:" ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed $(condition)/<optimization>space : /Ogiy /Gs ;
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed : /Ot ;
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>space : /Os ;
+ }
@@ -229,13 +322,26 @@
generators.register-archiver msvc.archive : OBJ : STATIC_LIB : <toolset>msvc ;
generators.register-c-compiler msvc.compile.c++ : CPP : OBJ : <toolset>msvc ;
generators.register-c-compiler msvc.compile.c : C : OBJ : <toolset>msvc ;
-generators.register-standard msvc.compile.rc : RC : OBJ(%_res) : <toolset>msvc ;
+# 'register-c-compiler' causes a build directory to be added to INCLUDES
+generators.register-c-compiler msvc.compile.rc : RC : OBJ(%_res) : <toolset>msvc ;
generators.override msvc.compile.rc : rc.resource-compile ;
+generators.register-c-compiler msvc.compile.idl : IDL : TLB H C(%_i) C(%_proxy) C(%_dlldata) : <toolset>msvc ;
+generators.override msvc.compile.idl : midl.compile.idl ;
+generators.register-standard msvc.compile.mc : MC : H RC : <toolset>msvc ;
+generators.override msvc.compile.mc : mc.compile ;
# Declare flags and action for compilation
feature.feature debug-store : object database : propagated ;
+flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <optimization>speed : /O2 ;
+flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <optimization>space : /O1 ;
flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <debug-symbols>on/<debug-store>object : /Z7 ;
flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <debug-symbols>on/<debug-store>database : /Zi ;
flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <optimization>off : /Od ;
@@ -254,9 +360,13 @@
flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <runtime-debugging>off/<runtime-link>static/<threading>single : /ML ;
flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <runtime-debugging>on/<runtime-link>static/<threading>single : /MLd ;
flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <runtime-debugging>off/<runtime-link>static/<threading>multi : /MT ;
flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <runtime-debugging>on/<runtime-link>static/<threading>multi : /MTd ;
+flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <toolset-msvc:arch>i386 : /Zm800 ;
+flags msvc.compile CFLAGS <toolset-msvc:arch>amd64 : -wd4103 ;
flags msvc.compile USER_CFLAGS <cflags> : ;
flags msvc.compile.c++ USER_CFLAGS <cxxflags> : ;
@@ -266,16 +376,18 @@
flags msvc.compile UNDEFS <undef> ;
flags msvc.compile INCLUDES <include> ;
-flags msvc.compile.c++ C++FLAGS : /wd4675 ;
+flags msvc.compile.c++ C++FLAGS <toolset-msvc:arch>i386 : /wd4675 ;
# The actions differ only by explicit selection of input language
actions compile.c bind RSP
- $(.CC) /Zm800 -nologo -TC -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
+ $(.CC) -nologo -TC -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
actions compile.c++ bind RSP
- $(.CC) /Zm800 -nologo -TP -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(C++FLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
+ $(.CC) -nologo -TP -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(C++FLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
actions compile.rc
@@ -297,6 +409,8 @@
flags msvc LINKFLAGS <user-interface>native : /subsystem:native ;
flags msvc LINKFLAGS <user-interface>auto : /subsystem:posix ;
+flags msvc LINKFLAGS <toolset-msvc:arch>amd64 : bufferoverflowu.lib ;
flags msvc LINKFLAGS <main-target-type>LIB/<link>shared : /DLL ;
toolset.flags msvc.link USER_LINKFLAGS <linkflags> ;
@@ -357,6 +471,7 @@
actions link bind DEF_FILE RSP
+ $(MANIFEST)$(<[1]).manifest $(OUTPUTRESOURCE)$(<[1]);#2
actions link.dll bind DEF_FILE RSP
@@ -375,4 +490,13 @@
common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) : $(targets[2]) : $(properties) ;
+actions compile.idl
+ $(.IDL) /nologo /U$(UNDEFS) /D$(DEFINES) $(MIDLFLAGS) /I"$(INCLUDES)" /tlb "$(<[1]:W)" /h "$(<[2]:W)" /iid "$(<[3]:W)" /proxy "$(<[4]:W)" /dlldata "$(<[5]:W)" "$(>:W)"
+actions compile.mc
+ $(.MC) $(MCFLAGS) -h "$(<[1]:DW)" -r "$(<[2]:DW)" "$(>:W)"
diff -Naur BBv2.old/tools/rc.jam BBv2.new/tools/rc.jam
--- BBv2.old/tools/rc.jam 2005-07-31 19:22:16.622179200 +0200
+++ BBv2.new/tools/rc.jam 2005-07-29 17:25:39.363160000 +0200
@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@
# The reason we generate OBJ and not RES, is that gcc does not
# seem to like RES files, but works OK with OBJ.
# See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.build/5643/
-generators.register-standard rc.resource-compile : RC : OBJ(%_res) ;
+# 'register-c-compiler' causes a build directory to be added to INCLUDES
+generators.register-c-compiler rc.resource-compile : RC : OBJ(%_res) ;
# Register scanner for resources
class res-scanner : scanner
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Boost-Build list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk