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Subject: Re: [Boost-cmake] placement_new test failure under VC++8
From: David Wolfe (dwolfe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-05-16 18:57:08

>> A runtime error in one of the unit tests has been making it difficult
>> to get continuous builds going under Windows. I get about halfway
>> through the tests and then a message box pops up...

>> If I click 'Ignore', the rest of the tests complete, and my results get
>> submitted to the dashboard; but this prevents me from doing unattended
>> builds.

> That's very bad; CTest should be disabling this dialog, because this
> is going to happen often. Unless our tests are doing something to
> re-enable the dialog?

It would appear that the /RTC1 compiler flag (equivalent to /RTCsu) is
causing this run-time assertion failure:


What's strange is that I only get this failure when I build with the
'NMake Makefiles' generator. If I generate with 'Visual Studio 8 2005'
instead, then open 'numeric.sln' in the IDE and build
numeric-placement_new from there, it runs fine.

I poked around in the BuildLog.htm files (for VS2005) and build.make
files (NMake) and convinced myself that CMake builds that use the NMake
generator are specifying /RTC1, while VS 2005 builds are not.

> Oh, and here's a really dumb question: how long did you leave the
> program running with this dialog open? IIRC, CTest has an internal
> timer and will kill a test after some number of seconds.

That number appears to be 1500. `:-} I re-checked this and discovered
that the test does eventually time out after 25 minutes.

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