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Subject: Re: [Boost-cmake] Configuration for sonames for the boost dynamic libraries on Unix
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-28 16:01:21

Sean Chittenden wrote:

>> For sure it is. Debian is my primary platform and I'd like this to
>> be seamless. I've pondered support for multiple simultaneous
>> installations, possibly with a layout like this:
> Because of the trickery of the loader using unresolved symlinks (for
> non-statically linked apps, but who does that with boost?), please
> don't do something convenient like:
> /usr
> local
> lib
> boost-1.40.0
> boost-1.41.0
> boost -> boost-1.41.0
> Lazy developers will use boost and not boost-1.40.0 and suddenly
> things will break in strange, hard to figure out ways.

Could you clarify what will break?

- Volodya

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