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Subject: Re: [Boost-cmake] Using BCP to create a "Subset" of Boost ... And CMake ... And Windows
From: Michael Jackson (mike.jackson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-10 16:14:41
On Dec 10, 2009, at 4:11 PM, James C. Sutherland wrote:
> On Dec 10, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
>> So I hacked on bcp a bit to add in the detection of CMake files so
>> when doing something like:
>> [mjackson] $ bcp boost/program_options.hpp boost/smart_ptr.hpp
>> boost/pointer_cast.hpp boost/algorithm/string.hpp boost/thread.hpp
>> tools/build/cmake /tmp/Boost-1.41.0
>> All the necessary CMake files will be copied into the new Subset
>> directory. I tested this on OS X and it shockingly worked quite
>> well. Also a bit of a shock was the shear number of files that
>> needed to be copied from boost just for shared_ptr.hpp
>> I then took that Subset directory and copied it over to a Windows 7
>> x64 with VS 2008 standard installed. Launched CMake, configured the
>> build. Then I attempted to "generate" and this is where the first
>> problem appeared. During generation on Windows (through the MSVC
>> Command prompt/32 bit) CMake is now looking for $BOOST_ROOT/build/
>> CMakeLists.txt file which it did NOT do on OS X. I am using the
>> same set of options on each platform.
>> Comments anyone? Anyone want to see the bcp sources?
>> <reasoning>Boost is just a HUGE dependence for just a few things
>> that I need (shared_ptr and threads). There are memory leak bugs
>> that are not getting fixed, bjam just sucks to use, and the shear
>> size of boost is just insane for my project (and others needing my
>> project). So a small subset of Boost is really all that is
>> required. I can embed this into my project and the size of my
>> project will not get too out of hand. . Thanks for listening and
>> any comments.</reasoning>
> I think that is great. Any idea if the boost powers that be will
> allow you to commit that? If not, perhaps it could be distributed
> with the CMake boost?
Not that I would "do it" but I think I still have commit rights to
Boost SVN. The code needs some review first most likely and probably
the creation of a new option for bcp "include-cmake-files".
I guess I could clone Troy's repo on gitorious and post up there.
Mike Jackson