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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r81556 - sandbox/SOC/2007/quan/boost/quan
From: pbristow_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-11-26 12:09:37
Author: pbristow
Date: 2012-11-26 12:09:36 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 81556
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/81556
changes for Clang 3.1
Text files modified:
sandbox/SOC/2007/quan/boost/quan/unc.hpp | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2007/quan/boost/quan/unc.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2007/quan/boost/quan/unc.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/quan/boost/quan/unc.hpp 2012-11-26 12:09:36 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*! \file
+/*! \file
\brief Class for simple Propagation of Uncertainties according to a pure Gaussian model.
\details Based on code by Evan Manning (manning_at_[hidden])
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
This library provides a collection of classes and functions for handling uncertain reals.
-Uncertainty as standard deviation and degrees of freedom are
+Uncertainty as standard deviation and degrees of freedom are
propagated through calculations using the uncertain type,
and are input and output including the uncertainty estimates.
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
// template<typename correlated> std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, const unc<false>& u);
// friend istream& operator>> (istream& is, UReal<correlated>& u)
-template <typename Type> inline Type sqr(const Type& a);
+template <typename Type> inline Type sqr(const Type& a);
template <typename Type> inline Type cube(const Type& a);
template <typename Type> inline Type pow4(const Type& a);
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
inline Type pow4(const Type& a)
return (Type)(a * a * a * a);
template <typename Type> inline Type sqrtSumSqrs (const Type& a, const Type& b);
template <typename Type>
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
//! 16 type bits used by unc uncTypes. Bit set = 1 means a positive attribute.
enum unc_types
VALUE_ZERO = 1 << 0, //!< bit zero = 1 means value is zero.
//! (Too near zero to allow relsd = sd /mean.)
//! A few times std::numeric_limits<float>::min() may be a suitable limit?
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
//! by fixed factor SetScale and << scale ...
//! power10 in range -max to +max.
autoScaled = 1 << 2, //!< bit 2: auto = 1 with << autoscale ...
- plusMinus = 1 << 3, /*!< bit 3 = 1 means add +/- uncertainty
+ plusMinus = 1 << 3, /*!< bit 3 = 1 means add +/- uncertainty
Usage: `std::cout << plusminus << u;`
addSISymbol = 1 << 4, //!< bit 4 = 1, add suffix SI symbol G, M, k, m, u, n, p ...
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
std::ios_base& uncsigdigits(std::ios_base&); //!< Use stdDev sigDigits stored with << useSetUncSigDigits(2) ...
std::ios_base& adddegfree(std::ios_base&); //!< Add degrees of freedom as (99).
std::ios_base& nodegfree(std::ios_base&); //!< Do not add degrees of freedom to output of value.
std::ios_base& addlimits(std::ios_base&); //!< Add lower and upper limits a 0.95 > 1.00 > 1.05.
std::ios_base& nolimits(std::ios_base&); //!< Do not add lower and upper limits.
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
// Operator declarations, classes defined below, with constructors in unc.ipp.
std::ostream operator<< (std::ostream, const showUncFlags&);
-std::ostream operator<< (std::ostream, const setAllUncFlags&);
+std::ostream operator<< (std::ostream, const setAllUncFlags&);
std::istream operator>> (std::istream, const setAllUncFlags&);
std::ostream operator<< (std::ostream, const setUncFlags&);
std::istream operator>> (std::istream, const setUncFlags&);
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
setRoundingLoss(double);// eps) : setRoundingLoss(eps) {} // Constructor
// Initialisation means setRoundingLoss = epsilon
- //protected:
+ //protected:
double roundingloss_; // Set by constructor.
}; // class setRoundingLoss
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@
setConfidence(double);// alpha) : setConfidence(alpha) {} // Constructor
// Initialisation means setConfidence = alpha
- //protected:
+ //protected:
double confidence_; // Set by constructor.
}; // class setConfidence
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
//#pragma warning (disable : 4520) //!< 'unc<1>' : multiple default constructors specified.
// This is by design so that it is possible construct from integer or double.
- // Doubtful if this is necessary or useful?
+ // Doubtful if this is necessary or useful?
/*! \note It is convenient to use 64-bit floating-point value
(so even really accurate values like weights are OK),
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@
// Member functions to get & value, stdDev, degfree & uncTypes.
//! \return Central estimate of value of uncertain type.
double value()
- {
+ {
return value_;
//! \return Estimate of uncertainty as standard deviation of value of uncertain type.
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@
so behaves like a normal double.
Normal conversion from double to unc.
(See also constructor from integer which alone sets integer flag.)
- */
+ */
// Default values: exact zero? with no uncertainty, 1 observation.
const double val, // = 0., // also const int = 0.
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@
degFree_ = 0; // Override any degfree provided.
// This indicates a programmer logic error!
- } //
+ } //
} // unc finite check
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@
}; // unc constructor from double.
// A specific constructor from int (as well as double) leads to this warning.
// #pragma warning (disable : 4520) //!< 'unc<1>' : multiple default constructors specified.
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@
return *this;
- operator value_type() const
+ operator value_type() const
return value_;
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@
{// rational / rational is still rational.
unctypes_ &= ud.unctypes_;
- if (ud.unctypes_ & VALUE_ZERO != 0)
+ if ((ud.unctypes_ & VALUE_ZERO) != 0)
{ // Avoid divide by zero, unless both zero!
value_ = (value_ != 0.) ? INFINITY : 0.;
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const unc<is_correlated>& val)
boost::io::ios_precision_saver precision_saver(os);
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver flags_saver(os);
+ boost::io::ios_flags_saver flags_saver(os);
// Changes are restored on destruction.
std::ostringstream oss; // Build up string.
oss.flags(os.flags()); // Copy flags to restore TODO not needed?).
@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@
\var bool isNoisyDigit
\brief Add an extra 'noisy' guard digit to reduce risk of information loss.
- bool isNoisyDigit; //!<
+ bool isNoisyDigit; //!<
bool isDegFree; //!< Append degrees of freedom.
bool isPlusMinus; //!< Uncertainty as +/- is required too (but ignore if value is exact or integer).
bool isUppercase; //!< Exponential format is, for example, 1E6 else 1e6.
@@ -1260,8 +1260,8 @@
isShowPos = static_cast<bool>(iosFlags & std::ios_base::showpos);
// Show + sign always.
- // Get print format requirements from unc flags.
- long& uncFlags = os.iword(uncFlagsIndex); //
+ // Get print format requirements from unc flags.
+ long& uncFlags = os.iword(uncFlagsIndex); //
isPlusMinus = static_cast<bool>(uncFlags & plusMinus); // `<< plusminus`
isNoisyDigit = static_cast<bool>(uncFlags & noisyDigit); // `<< addNoisyDigit`
isConfidenceInterval = static_cast<bool>(uncFlags & limits); // `<< addlimits`
@@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@
//! Confidence or alpha to compute confidence interval is similarly scaled.
//! Usage: `out << confidence(0.01) << ...` means 1 - confidence = 99% confidence.
- //! double confidence = os.iword(conf) / 1000.; // `<< confidence(0.05)` aka 95%
+ //! double confidence = os.iword(conf) / 1000.; // `<< confidence(0.05)` aka 95%
//int round_m(double epsilon = 0.01, double unc = 0., unsigned int uncsigdigits = 2, distribution_type distrib = gaussian);
//void out_confidence_interval(std::pair<double, double> ci, int m, std::ostream& os = std::cout);
@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@
int max_digits10 = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 * 3010/10000;
// std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10))
if (boost::math::isfinite(mean))
- {
+ {
{ // Use explicit number of digits of precision.
long& sigDigits = os.iword(setSigDigitsIndex);
@@ -1337,8 +1337,8 @@
{ // Use uncertainty to control digits of precision.
if (mean == 0)
- { // isValueZero = true;
- if ((uncertainty == 0.F) )
+ { // isValueZero = true;
+ if (uncertainty == 0.F )
{ // Is exact integer zero, so not rounded, and no decimal point.
oss << "0";
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@
{ // Inexact zero.
- int m = round_m(epsilon, uncertainty, 2, distrib);
+ int m = round_m(epsilon, uncertainty, 2, distrib);
if (isNoisyDigit)
{ // Move rounding digit to one less significant position.
@@ -1418,10 +1418,10 @@
// Or could leave as native output, but MSVC format is ugly.
} // Mean
- if (isPlusMinus && !(unc_flags & VALUE_INTEGER))
+ if (isPlusMinus && !(unc_flags & VALUE_INTEGER))
{ // Want estimate of uncertainty.
if (isfinite(uncertainty))
- {
+ {
if (uncertainty == 0.F)
{ // Special case short version.
oss << " +/-0";
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@
// Default is round to 2 sig digit - ISO rule.
if (uncSigDigits <= 0)
{ // Automatically choose uncSigDigits based on degrees of freedom.
- // Passed negative values through to allow
+ // Passed negative values through to allow
// an auto mode for w < 0 that chooses from degrees of freedom,
// From table H page 457 in Oliver & Goldsmith, confidence interval
// of standard deviation is about +/- 20% at 10 degrees of freedom,
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@
uncSigDigits = 2;
- else
+ else
{ // degFree in common range 1 to 10.
// Choose between 1 and 2 digits based on 1st digit of uncertainty.
// Would be too big a step if most significant digit was 1 or 2.
@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@
if (unc_flags & UNC_NOPLUS)
oss << " +0/-";
@@ -1481,14 +1481,14 @@
oss << std::noshowpos // Prefixed by " +/-" so never add +.
- << std::fixed // << std::noscientific
+ << std::fixed // << std::noscientific
<< std::showpoint
<< std::setprecision(uncSigDigits); // switches to e format :-(
//double unc_rounded = round_sig(uncertainty, uncSigDigits);
//oss << unc_rounded;
//std::string round_f<FPT>(FPT v, int sigdigits);
std::string s = round_f<float>(uncertainty, uncSigDigits);
- oss << s;
+ oss << s;
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@
if (boost::math::isfinite(mean) && boost::math::isfinite(uncertainty) && degFree >= 1)
{ // Possible to compute confidence limits or interval in < > angle brackets.
std::streamsize osp = os.precision();
- oss.precision(4); //
+ oss.precision(4); //
//std::pair<double, double> conf_interval(double mean, double unc, double df = 1., double alpha = 0.05, distribution_type distrib = gaussian);
double alpha = os.iword(confidenceIndex) / 1.e6; // Pick up and unscale alpha.
double epsilon = os.iword(roundingLossIndex) / 1.e3; // Pick up and rounding loss and unscale.
@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@
std::pair<double, double> ci = conf_interval(mean, uncertainty, degFree, alpha, distrib);
int m = round_m(epsilon, uncertainty, uncSigDigits, distrib);
using boost::lexical_cast;
- oss << " <"
+ oss << " <"
<< lexical_cast<double>(round_ms(ci.first, m-1)) << ", "
<< lexical_cast<double>(round_ms(ci.second, m-1))
<< ">";
@@ -1867,10 +1867,10 @@
// uncertainty_, value_, degrees of freedom and unc type.
// These are duplicates.
double mean(void) const {return value_;}
- float deviation(void) const {return uncertainty_;} //
+ float deviation(void) const {return uncertainty_;} //
unsigned short int degFree(void) const {return degFree_;}
@@ -1924,14 +1924,14 @@
return retval;
// Predicate Comparison functions.
// Should be global to allow leftmost argument to use implicit type conversion
// according to Scott Meyers, Effective C++ Item 19 p 68 - 71.
// But these are member functions and seem to work OK.
// Note MUST be static bool.
- static bool lessU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
+ static bool lessU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
{ // less using Comparison criterion including ONE standard deviation.
// (Comparison is possibly different for correlated case but not implemented yet).
double lhi = (l.value_ + l.uncertainty_); // Upper confidence limit of left.
@@ -1947,16 +1947,16 @@
<< space << ((isLess) ? " < " : " >= ")
// << (r.value_ - r.uncertainty_) == rlo
<< space << rlo << space << rlo + hypot(l.uncertainty_, r.uncertainty_) // tol
- << space << r.value_
- << space << tol
- << space << diff
+ << space << r.value_
+ << space << tol
+ << space << diff
<< std::endl;
return isLess;
- } // bool lessU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
+ } // bool lessU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
- static bool lessU2(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
+ static bool lessU2(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
{ // less using Comparison criterion including TWO standard deviations.
// (Comparison is possibly different for correlated case but not implemented yet).
double lhi = (l.value_ + l.uncertainty_ + l.uncertainty_ ); // Upper confidence limit of left.
@@ -1972,31 +1972,31 @@
<< space << ((isLess) ? " < " : " >= ")
// << (r.value_ - r.uncertainty_ * 2) == rlo
<< space << rlo << space << rlo + tol
- << space << r.value_
- << space << tol
- << space << diff
+ << space << r.value_
+ << space << tol
+ << space << diff
<< std::endl;
return isLess;
} // bool lessU2(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
- static bool moreU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
+ static bool moreU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
{ // less using Comparison criterion within ONE standard deviation.
// Comparison is possibly different for correlated case but not implemented yet.
- return l.value_ - l.uncertainty_ > r.value_ + r.uncertainty_; // Values with uncertainty.
+ return l.value_ - l.uncertainty_ > r.value_ + r.uncertainty_; // Values with uncertainty.
} // bool moreU
- static bool equalU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
+ static bool equalU(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
{ // less using Comparison criterion outside ONE standard deviation.
// Comparison is possibly different for correlated case but not implemented yet.
- return !((l.value_ - l.uncertainty_ > r.value_ + r.uncertainty_) // >
+ return !((l.value_ - l.uncertainty_ > r.value_ + r.uncertainty_) // >
|| (l.value_ + l.uncertainty_ < r.value_ - r.uncertainty_)); // <
} // bool equalU
- static bool equalU2(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
+ static bool equalU2(const unc<is_correlated>& l, const unc<is_correlated>& r)
{ // less using Comparison criterion outside TWO standard deviations.
// Comparison is possibly different for correlated case but not implemented yet.
- return !((l.value_ - l.uncertainty_ - l.uncertainty_> r.value_ + r.uncertainty_ + r.uncertainty_) // >
+ return !((l.value_ - l.uncertainty_ - l.uncertainty_> r.value_ + r.uncertainty_ + r.uncertainty_) // >
|| (l.value_ + l.uncertainty_ + l.uncertainty_ < r.value_ - r.uncertainty_ - r.uncertainty_)); // <
} // bool equalU2
@@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@
namespace std
{ // Fudge until MSVC becomes compliant.
template<typename Type> inline
- Type abs(const Type& a)
+ Type abs(const Type& a)
{ // Should be std::abs but is NOT in cstdlib - only provides global ::abs.
return Type((a < Type(0)) ? -a : a);
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk