![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r81557 - in sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot: . detail impl
From: pbristow_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-11-26 12:13:12
Author: pbristow
Date: 2012-11-26 12:13:11 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 81557
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/81557
changes for Clang 3.1
Text files modified:
sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/axis_plot_frame.hpp | 1263 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/numeric_limits_handling.hpp | 3
sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/impl/axis_plot_frame.ipp | 25
sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_2d_plot.hpp | 18
sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_style.hpp | 3
5 files changed, 663 insertions(+), 649 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/axis_plot_frame.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/axis_plot_frame.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/axis_plot_frame.hpp 2012-11-26 12:13:11 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
@@ -601,638 +601,639 @@
// class axis_plot_frame Member function Definitions (for .ipp file):
- template <typename Derived>/*! \tparam Derived plot class, svg_1d_plot or svg_2d_plot or svg_boxplot. */
- template <typename T> /*! \tparam T an STL container: array, vector, list, map ... */
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(const T& begin, const T& end);
+// template <typename Derived>/*! \tparam Derived plot class, svg_1d_plot or svg_2d_plot or svg_boxplot. */
+// template <typename T> /*! \tparam T an STL container: array, vector, list, map ... */
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(const T& begin, const T& end);
+// template <class Derived>
+// template <class T> // T an STL container: array, vector...
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(const T& container); // Use whole 1D data series.
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::size(unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_x_size(); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_size(unsigned int i);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_x_size(unsigned int i); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_y_size(); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_y_size(unsigned int i); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_size(unsigned int i);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width(double w);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description(const std::string d);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::document_title(const std::string d);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::document_title();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_holder(const std::string d);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_holder();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_date(const std::string d);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_date();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license(std::string repro,
+// std::string distrib,
+// std::string attrib,
+// std::string commercial,
+// std::string derivative);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_on(bool l);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::boost_license_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_reproduction();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_distribution();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_attribution();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::coord_precision(int digits);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::coord_precision();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_precision(int digits);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_precision();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_ioflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags flags);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::ios_base::fmtflags axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_ioflags();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_labels_strip_e0s(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_labels_strip_e0s();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_size(unsigned int i);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_family(const std::string& family);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_family();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_style(const std::string& style);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_style();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_weight(const std::string& weight);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_weight();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_stretch(const std::string& stretch);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_stretch();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_decoration(const std::string& decoration);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_decoration();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_rotation(rotate_style rotate);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_rotation();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_alignment(align_style alignment);
+// template <class Derived>
+// align_style axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_alignment();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_width(double width);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title(const std::string title);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_weight(const std::string& weight);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_weight();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_family(const std::string& family);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_family();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title_font_size(unsigned int size);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title_font_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_top_left(double x, double y);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_top_left();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_bottom_right();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_lines(bool is);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_lines();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_on(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_vertical(double fraction);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_vertical();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_place(legend_places l);
+// template <class Derived>
+// legend_places axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_place();
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_outside();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_header_font_size(int size);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_header_font_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_on(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_border_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_border_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_border_width(double w);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_margin(double w);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_margin();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_width(double w);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x(double min_x, double max_x);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y(double min_y, double max_y);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x_left();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x_right();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y_top();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y_bottom();
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x();
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_interval();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_minor_interval();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_up_on(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_up_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_down_on(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_down_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_on(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_size(unsigned int i);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_font_size(unsigned int i);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_font_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_family(const std::string& family);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_family();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_label_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_label_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_precision(int p);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_precision();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_ioflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags f);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::ios_base::fmtflags axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_ioflags();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_size(unsigned int i);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_family(const std::string& family);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_family();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_on_window_or_axis(int cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_on_window_or_axis();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units_on(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_labels_side(int place);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_labels_side();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_label_rotation(rotate_style rot);
+// template <class Derived>
+// rotate_style axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_label_rotation();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_on(bool cmd);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_on(bool is);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_on(bool is);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::axes_on(bool is);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::axes_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_on(bool is);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width(double w);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description(const std::string d);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_on(bool is);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_background_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_background_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_box_fill_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_border_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_border_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_background_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_background_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_position();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_width(double width);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_width(double w);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_width(double w);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_width(double width);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::data_lines_width(double width);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::data_lines_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label(const std::string& str);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units(const std::string& str);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label(const std::string& str);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_units(const std::string& str);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_units();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_on(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_size(unsigned int i);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_family(const std::string& family);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_size();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_family();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_interval(double inter);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_interval();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_rotation(rotate_style rotate);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_rotation();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_precision(int p);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_precision();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_ioflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags f);
+// template <class Derived>
+// std::ios_base::fmtflags axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_ioflags();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_on(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_on(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_on(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_on(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_on(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_on(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_on();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_decor(const std::string& pre, const std::string& sep, const std::string& suf);
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_prefix();
+// template <class Derived>
+// const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_suffix();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_length(double length);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_length();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_width(double width);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_length(double length);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_length();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_width(double width);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_width();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick(double d);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_interval(double interval);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_num_minor_ticks(unsigned int num);
+// template <class Derived>
+// unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_num_minor_ticks();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_range(double min_x, double max_x);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_max();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_check_limits(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_check_limits();
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_plusminus(double pm);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_plusminus();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(std::pair<double, double> p);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_with_zero(bool b);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_min_ticks(int min_ticks);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_min_ticks();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_steps(int steps);
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_steps();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_tight(double tight);
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_tight();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_min_value();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_max_value();
+// template <class Derived>
+// double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_tick_interval();
+// template <class Derived>
+// int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_ticks();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_fill_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_fill_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::one_sd_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::one_sd_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::two_sd_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::two_sd_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::three_sd_color(const svg_color& col);
+// template <class Derived>
+// svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::three_sd_color();
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::draw_note(double x, double y, std::string note, rotate_style rot /*= horizontal*/, align_style al/* = center_align*/, const svg_color& col /* black */, text_style& tsty/* = no_style*/);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::draw_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const svg_color& col /* black */);
+// template <class Derived>
+// Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::draw_plot_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const svg_color& col /* black */);
- template <class Derived>
- template <class T> // T an STL container: array, vector...
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(const T& container); // Use whole 1D data series.
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::size(unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
- template <class Derived>
- std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::size();
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_x_size(); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_size(unsigned int i);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_x_size(unsigned int i); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_y_size(); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_y_size(unsigned int i); //!< Obselete - deprecated.
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_size(unsigned int i);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width(double w);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description(const std::string d);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::document_title(const std::string d);
- template <class Derived>
- std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::document_title();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_holder(const std::string d);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_holder();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_date(const std::string d);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::copyright_date();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license(std::string repro,
- std::string distrib,
- std::string attrib,
- std::string commercial,
- std::string derivative);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_on(bool l);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::boost_license_on();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_reproduction();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_distribution();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::license_attribution();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::coord_precision(int digits);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::coord_precision();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_precision(int digits);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_precision();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_ioflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags flags);
- template <class Derived>
- std::ios_base::fmtflags axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_ioflags();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_labels_strip_e0s(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_labels_strip_e0s();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_size(unsigned int i);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_family(const std::string& family);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_family();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_style(const std::string& style);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_style();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_weight(const std::string& weight);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_weight();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_stretch(const std::string& stretch);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_stretch();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_decoration(const std::string& decoration);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_decoration();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_rotation(rotate_style rotate);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_rotation();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_alignment(align_style alignment);
- template <class Derived>
- align_style axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_font_alignment();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_width(double width);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title(const std::string title);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_weight(const std::string& weight);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_weight();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_family(const std::string& family);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_font_family();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title_font_size(unsigned int size);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_title_font_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_top_left(double x, double y);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_top_left();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_bottom_right();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_lines(bool is);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_lines();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_on(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_vertical(double fraction);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_vertical();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_place(legend_places l);
- template <class Derived>
- legend_places axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_place();
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_outside();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_header_font_size(int size);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_header_font_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_on(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_border_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_border_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_border_width(double w);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_margin(double w);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_margin();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_width(double w);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::image_border_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x(double min_x, double max_x);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y(double min_y, double max_y);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x_left();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x_right();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y_top();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y_bottom();
- template <class Derived>
- std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_x();
- template <class Derived>
- std::pair<double, double> axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_window_y();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_interval();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_minor_interval();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_up_on(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_up_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_down_on(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_down_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_on(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_size(unsigned int i);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_font_size(unsigned int i);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_value_font_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_family(const std::string& family);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_font_family();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_label_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_label_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_precision(int p);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_precision();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_ioflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags f);
- template <class Derived>
- std::ios_base::fmtflags axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_ioflags();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_size(unsigned int i);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_size();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_family(const std::string& family);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_values_font_family();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_on_window_or_axis(int cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_ticks_on_window_or_axis();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units_on(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_labels_side(int place);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_labels_side();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_label_rotation(rotate_style rot);
- template <class Derived>
- rotate_style axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_label_rotation();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_on(bool cmd);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_on(bool is);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_on(bool is);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::axes_on(bool is);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::axes_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_on(bool is);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width(double w);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::background_border_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description(const std::string d);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::description();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_on(bool is);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::title_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_background_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_background_color();
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_box_fill_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_border_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::legend_border_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_background_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::plot_background_color();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_position();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_axis_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_width(double width);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_width(double w);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_grid_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_width(double w);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_grid_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_width(double width);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_axis_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::data_lines_width(double width);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::data_lines_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label(const std::string& str);
- template <class Derived>
- std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units(const std::string& str);
- template <class Derived>
- std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_label_units();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label(const std::string& str);
- template <class Derived>
- std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_units(const std::string& str);
- template <class Derived>
- std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::y_label_units();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_on(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_size(unsigned int i);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_family(const std::string& family);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_size();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_font_family();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_interval(double inter);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_interval();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_rotation(rotate_style rotate);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_rotation();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_precision(int p);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_precision();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_ioflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags f);
- template <class Derived>
- std::ios_base::fmtflags axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_values_ioflags();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_on(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_plusminus_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_on(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_addlimits_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_on(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_df_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_on(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_id_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_on(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_datetime_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_on(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_on();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_order_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_decor(const std::string& pre, const std::string& sep, const std::string& suf);
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_prefix();
- template <class Derived>
- const std::string axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_suffix();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_length(double length);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_length();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_width(double width);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_length(double length);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_length();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_width(double width);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_tick_width();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick(double d);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_major_tick();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_minor_interval(double interval);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_num_minor_ticks(unsigned int num);
- template <class Derived>
- unsigned int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_num_minor_ticks();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_range(double min_x, double max_x);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_max();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_check_limits(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_check_limits();
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- bool axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_plusminus(double pm);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::autoscale_plusminus();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_autoscale(std::pair<double, double> p);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_with_zero(bool b);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_min_ticks(int min_ticks);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_min_ticks();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_steps(int steps);
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_steps();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_tight(double tight);
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_tight();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_min_value();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_max_value();
- template <class Derived>
- double axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_tick_interval();
- template <class Derived>
- int axis_plot_frame<Derived>::x_auto_ticks();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_fill_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::limit_fill_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::one_sd_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::one_sd_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::two_sd_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::two_sd_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::three_sd_color(const svg_color& col);
- template <class Derived>
- svg_color axis_plot_frame<Derived>::three_sd_color();
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::draw_note(double x, double y, std::string note, rotate_style rot /*= horizontal*/, align_style al/* = center_align*/, const svg_color& col /* black */, text_style& tsty/* = no_style*/);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::draw_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const svg_color& col /* black */);
- template <class Derived>
- Derived& axis_plot_frame<Derived>::draw_plot_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const svg_color& col /* black */);
- } // detail
+ } // detail
} // svg
} // boost
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/numeric_limits_handling.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/numeric_limits_handling.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/detail/numeric_limits_handling.hpp 2012-11-26 12:13:11 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
} // namespace boost
// Defines :
bool boost::svg::detail::limit_max(double); // true if max or +infinity.
bool boost::svg::detail::limit_min(double); // true if min, denorm_min or -infinity.
bool boost::svg::detail::limit_NaN(double); // true if NaN.
@@ -145,5 +146,5 @@
template <bool correlated>
bool boost::svg::detail::pair_is_limit(std::pair<const unc<correlated>, unc<correlated> >); // x and/or y not a proper data value!
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/impl/axis_plot_frame.ipp
--- sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/impl/axis_plot_frame.ipp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/impl/axis_plot_frame.ipp 2012-11-26 12:13:11 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
adjust_limits(x, y); // In case either hits max, min, infinity or NaN.
- template <class Derived>
- void axis_plot_frame<Derived>::transform_point(double& x, double& y);
+ //template <class Derived>
+ // void axis_plot_frame<Derived>::transform_point(double& x, double& y);
// Protected Member Functions Definitions in axis_plot_frame.ipp:
// TODO do we need to adjust_limit(x); // In case hits max, min, infinity or NaN?
// This implies that user's choice of X-axis range is wrong?
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@
and putting them just above, or sitting on, the X-axis is much clearer.
For 2-D plots, the symbol center should, of course, be centered exactly on x, y.
circle and ellipse are naturally centered on the point.
- for rect x and y half_size offset centers square on the point.
+ for rectangle x and y half_size offset centers square on the point.
But symbols are in a rectangular box and the offset is different for x & y
even assuming that the symbol is centered in the rectangle.
the vertical and horizontal ticks are deliberately offset above the axes.
@@ -1108,6 +1108,9 @@
switch(sty.shape_) // from enum point_shape none, round, square, point, egg
+ case none:
+ break;
case circlet:
g_ptr.circle(x, y, (int)half_size);
@@ -1119,6 +1122,7 @@
case square:
g_ptr.rect(x - half_size, y - half_size, size, size);
case egg:
g_ptr.ellipse(x, y, half_size, size * 2.); // Tall thin egg!
@@ -1178,12 +1182,14 @@
// horizontal_line is pretty useless for 1-D because the horizontal line is on the X-axis.
case symbol:
- g_ptr.text(x, y + half_size, sty.symbols(), sty.style(), center_align, horizontal); // symbol(s), size and centre.
+ g_ptr.text(x, y + half_size, sty.symbols(), sty.style(), center_align, horizontal); // symbol(s), size and center.
// Unicode symbols that work on most browsers are listed at
// boost\math\libs\math\doc\sf_and_dist\html4_symbols.qbk,
// http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html
// and http://www.alanwood.net/demos/ent4_frame.html
+ // Geometric shapes http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/Unicode-3.2/U32-25A0.pdf
+ // Misc symbols http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2600.pdf
// The Unicode value in decimal 9830 or hex x2666 must be prefixed with & and terminated with ;
// for example &x2666; for xml
// and then enveloped with "" to convert to a std::string, for example: "♦" for diamond.
@@ -1225,6 +1231,15 @@
// Last point puts the bottom tip of the triangle on the X-axis (may not be wanted for 2-D).
+ case triangle: // Pointing up triangle.
+ g_ptr.text(x, y , "▲", sty.symbols_style_, center_align, horizontal);
+ // Also could use ▼ for pointing down triangle, and
+ // ▴ for small up-pointing triangle and ▾ for small down triangle.
+ break;
+ case star:
+ g_ptr.text(x, y , "★", sty.symbols_style_, center_align, horizontal);
+ break;
case cross: // Not X.
g_ptr.line(x, y + size, x , y - size); // line up & down from axis,
g_ptr.line(x, y - size, x + size, y ); // & line left & right from axis.
@@ -1240,7 +1255,7 @@
void draw_plot_point_value(double x, double y, g_element& g_ptr, value_style& val_style, plot_point_style& point_style, unc<false> uvalue)
Write one data point (X or Y) value as a string, for example "1.23e-2",
near the data point marker.
- Unecessary e, +, \& leading exponent zeros may optionally be stripped,
+ Unnecessary e, +, \& leading exponent zeros may optionally be stripped,
and the position and rotation controlled.
std_dev estimate, typically standard deviation
(approximately half conventional 95% confidence "plus or minus")
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_2d_plot.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_2d_plot.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_2d_plot.hpp 2012-11-26 12:13:11 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
// axis_plot_frame.hpp contains functions common to 1 and 2-D.
// private:
- public:
+ public:
// Member data names conventionally end with _,
// for example: border_margin_,
// and set & get accessor functions are named without _ suffix,
@@ -962,16 +962,14 @@
{ // Want a vertical Y-axis line, so check if range includes zero, so axes intersect,
// and y_axis_ is svg coordinate of X-axis (usually x = 0).
// If not fix axis to left (or right) of the plot window.
- if ((y_axis_position_ == left) // All X values definitely > zero.
+ if (y_axis_position_ == left) // All X values definitely > zero.
//&& !(y_ticks_.ticks_on_window_or_on_axis_ < 0) // & not already at left.
- )
{ // Y-axis will not intersect X -axis, so put Y-axis line on plot window.
y_axis_.axis_ = plot_left_; // Y-axis to left,
//plot_left_ += 2 * y_label_info_.font_size(); // with a space.
- else if ((y_axis_position_ == right) // All X values definitely < zero.
+ else if (y_axis_position_ == right) // All X values definitely < zero.
//&& !(y_ticks_.ticks_on_window_or_on_axis_ > 0) // & not already at right.
- )
y_axis_.axis_ = plot_right_; // Y-axis to right of plot window,
@@ -2298,14 +2296,14 @@
// declarations including defaults for parameters (except containers, of course).
template <typename T>
svg_2d_plot_series& plot(const T& container, const std::string& title = "");
template <typename T, typename U>
svg_2d_plot_series& plot(const T& container, const std::string& title = "",
U functor = boost::svg::detail::pair_double_2d_convert() );
template <typename T>
svg_2d_plot_series& plot(const T& begin, const T& end, const std::string& title = "");
template <typename T, typename U>
svg_2d_plot_series& plot(const T& begin, const T& end, const std::string& title = "",
U functor = boost::svg::detail::pair_double_2d_convert() );
@@ -3272,9 +3270,9 @@
boost::make_transform_iterator(end, boost::svg::detail::unc_1d_convert() ), // Ys
#endif // _MSC_VER
return serieses_[serieses_.size() - 1]; //! \return Reference to data series just added to make chainable.
} // plot(const T& begin, const T& end, const std::string& title = "")
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_style.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_style.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/visualization/boost/svg_plot/svg_style.hpp 2012-11-26 12:13:11 EST (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
@@ -701,7 +701,6 @@
club, //!< Club playing card shape.
spade, //!< Spade playing card shape.
asterisk, //!< Asterix as * symbol
- x, //!< letter x
cross, //!< cross
symbol /*!< Unicode symbol including letters, digits, greek & 'squiggles'.
@@ -731,7 +730,7 @@
//! Caution: not all Unicode symbols are output by all browsers!\n
//! Example: U2721 is Star of David or hexagram,
//! see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagram, symbols("✡")
- //! Positioning of symbols (especially > 1 symbols) may be inprecise.
+ //! Positioning of symbols (especially > 1 symbols) may be imprecise.
text_style symbols_style_; //!< font, size, decoration of symbols.
bool show_x_value_; //!< If true, show the X value like "1.2" near the point. (If both true, then show both X and Y as a pair like "1.2, 3.4".)
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk