Re: [Boost-docs] ReST: inconsistent style?

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] ReST: inconsistent style?
From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-02-01 16:10:22

David Abrahams wrote:
> and
> are both generated from ReST sources. The former uses the style I have
> come to understand is the agreed-upon Boost documentation style. The
> latter seems to use something else. I prefer the former, and took pains
> to ensure that both documents presented that way on the old site... but
> regardless of that, why the inconsistency?

Because the default for library docs presentation on the beta web site
does post-processing to make the style conform to the style of the web
site. And the "more/*" happens to be outside of the default for
post-processing. We can disable the post-processing on a case by case basis.

Oh, and the TOC showing as it does on the latter is a bug. It shouldn't
have the "NOTE" wrapper around it. And in the former the ReST style
doesn't seem to set the background color, yet from the logo it seems to
assume a white background.

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