Boost : |
From: Debabrata Mandal (mandaldebabrata123_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-08-24 20:38:45
Hello everyone,
This mail/thread is primarily dedicated to summarise my work done during
GSoC'20. This mail is meant to provide some final updates to my mentors,
Mateusz Loskot and Pranam Lashkari, since this is the beginning of the last
few days to the end of GSoC'20.
1. I opened PRs for all the algorithms that I had implemented and had
produced results for. I have added tests, and comments (both inline and
doxygen) to the code wherever necessary.
2. The histogram class (PR #499 <https://github.com/boostorg/gil/pull/499>)
was modified as and when required with minimal changes to cater the needs
of the image processing algorithms.
3. I will be working on completing the docs for the next couple of days to
cover almost all the new features through clean and easy to read docs.
4. Finally, I was not able to complete all the points that I had mentioned
in the proposal. For example, I was unable to add a print functionality to
the histogram class. I could add a crude alternative for the time being but
that would do nobody any good. That is why I have shifted attention to the
docs for now. Please suggest if that was not the right move.
Thank You,
Debabrata Mandal
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