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Boost-MPI :

Subject: Re: [Boost-mpi] [EXTERNAL] Re: Paid assistance for installing boost-mpi
From: Belcourt, Kenneth (kbelco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-06-22 14:30:49

> On Jun 22, 2017, at 7:48 AM, Info via Boost-mpi <boost-mpi_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> For mpi, we have these versions installed as modules:

Here’s what we do, seems to work okay.

-bash-4.1$ which icpc

-bash-4.1$ which mpicxx

-bash-4.1$ which mpirun

[ user-config.jam ]

using intel
  : icpc
  : <cxxflags>-std=c++11

using mpi
  : mpicxx
  : mpirun -n

cd boost
./b2 —debug-configuration
cd libs/mpi
git checkout develop
cd test
../../../b2 --toolset=intel --with-mpi -j16

So Intel 17 with Intel MPI 5.1 seems to work fine for us. Be sure to run —debug-configuration to make sure the correct user-config.jam is being picked up. Also make sure that icpc, mlicxx, and mpirun are in your PATH.


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