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Boost Testing :

From: Carl Daniel (cpdaniel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-25 22:20:33

Martin Slater wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got the regressions running but am getting a lot of error dialogs
> that stall the process under windows XP even when running with
> --monitored. Any one got any ideas or can someone point me toward the
> source for the build monitor so I can look into it?

There's an intent (fostered by myself - and probably others before me) to
re-implement the build monitor as a debugger that attaches to bjam and all
of it's child processes. This will allow it to intervene in JIT debugger
activation (which won't happen) and other hard to intercept errors like
missing DLL dependencies.

So far, I haven't been able to get that project off the ground - too many
other demands on my time at the moment. You're welcome to get the project
started (or finished!) or contribute to the discussion in any way.


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