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Boost Testing :

From: Stephen W. Carson (StephenC_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-06-16 14:44:04

My first run since I returned from vacation is posted. I'm wondering why
my gcc-3_3-darwin tests are showing so many more failures than OSL's
(Douglas Gregor). I've got 5 libraries failing that succeed for him
(config, date_time, regex, serialization, thread).

The differences, as far as I know, are:

    * He's running dual processor G5, I'm running single processor G4.
    * He's on 10.3.9, I am (now) on 10.4.1.

Otherwise, we're on the exact same build of gcc 3.3.

Yes, I did do a completely fresh build last night.

Here is thread's build failure, (at least config and regex have the same
build error):

/usr/bin/libtool: for architecture: cputype (16777234) cpusubtype (0) file: -lSystem is not an object file (not allowed in a library)

Stephen W. Carson, Software Engineer
DirXion Software in St. Louis, MO
(636) 717-2367
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