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Boost Testing :

From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-21 10:22:30

Jim Douglas wrote:
> Rene Rivera wrote:
>>Yea you could do:
>> local GXX ?= QCC ;
>> local GCC ?= qcc ;
>> extends-toolset gcc ;
> This does not seem to work. It objects to the "?=" - or was I meant to
> leave out the "?" ?

Oops, I mixed up two different syntax elements. It should be:

GXX ?= QCC ;
GCC ?= qcc ;
extends-toolset gcc ;

> With a statement like the above what is the effect
> of the braces "{..}" ?

I creates a scope for the local vars to exist temporarily. So that they
don't pollute the global namespace. But since I made the mistake of just
copy and pasting the {} and the local where not intended in this case :-\

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