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Boost Testing :

From: Reece Dunn (msclrhd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-09 12:38:39

Volodya wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> > IIRC, the build monitor was built automatically if it didn't exist in
> > V1. This seems not to be the case anymore in V2, correct?
> Here's the relevant code (that I never touched):
> def setup(
> comment
> , **unused
> ):
> import_utils()
> if monitored:
> if sys.platform == 'win32':
> download_if_needed( 'build_monitor.exe', build_monitor_url,...
> So, it seems that build_monitor.exe should be downloaded, not build, and it
> should happen regardless of build system used. Do you see
> 'build_monitor.exe' in the current directory?

I had this working under V2 by passing the --monitored flag to However, after the specified time, it killed all user applications, including explorer!

What I am now using, which works as expected, is '-lT' where T is the time in seconds. -l600 works well for me. What I have is:

import regression


def test( toolsets, runner, v2=True, timeout=0, incremental=False, user=None ):
    platform = regression.platform_name()
    monitored = ''
    if not timeout == 0:
        monitored = '-l%d ' % ( timeout * 60 )

    monitor( 'Building the required tools.' )
    regression.setup( comment, None, None, None, None, None, v2, [] )

    for tool in toolsets:
        monitor( 'Running the tests for %s.' % tool )
        regression.test( tool, '%swarnings=on' % monitored, None, timeout, v2, [] )

    monitor( 'Collecting the test results.' )
    regression.collect_logs( tag, runner, platform, user, comment, incremental, [] )

- Reece
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