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Boost Testing :

From: Thomas Witt (witt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-03 12:11:10


The RC_1_34_0 is now in effect please don't submit changes unless
authorized by me. While I am on the subject. Dave is currently
working on some python build fixes that will go into 1.34.0. Once
that is done we can start marking the remaining failures as expected.
Please use the following note when doing this "[1.34.0] This failure
was introduced in 1.34.0. There is no known fix." when using more
specific wording please add the [1.34.0] tag to the note so that we
can grep for them.

Also please wait with marking until I got around setting a tag in cvs.



Thomas Witt

Boost-testing list run by mbergal at