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From: Hubert HOLIN (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-19 03:06:19

Somewhere in the E.U., le 19/08/2002


                So it appears that even in version 7, M$VCPP still will not work...

                One possibility is to change compiler vendors (MetroWerks' CodeWarrior
Pro, now in version 8, should do the trick). This is, of course, onerous
to you.

                If that is not a realistic possibility, and this code is vital to you,
please holler (and complain *LOUDLY* to M$!) and I'll code a work-around.

        A bientot

                        Hubert Holin

Douglas Gregor wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 August 2002 07:11 pm, sen_al2002 wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am a newbie to all this programmer stuff. I am a physics
> > student doing some computer simulations.
> > I was trying to use the special function atanh from boost libraries
> > but couldn't.
> >
> > The error message reads
> > d:\boost_1_28_0\atanh.hpp(77) : error C2989: 'atanh_helper1_t<T,0>' :
> > template class has already been defined as a non-template class
> >
> > Some advised me to update my VisC++ ver 6.0 compiler.
> >
> > How can I do that?
> >
> >
> > Does anybody out there have any better advise?
> Unfortunately, there really isn't any better advice at this time. The special
> functions library (including atanh) requires a compiler that supports class
> template partial specialization. Unfortunately, no publicly available version
> of the Microsoft C++ compiler supports partial specialization, so this won't
> work with your compiler, and upgrading won't even help. (Unless "upgrading"
> to you involves switching to another compiler vendor)
> Doug

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