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From: Jaakko Jarvi (jajarvi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-21 09:19:31


Lambda library does not work with MSVC++ 6 (or 7 either).
The next release of VC will fix this.

GCC 2.96 and up, Metrowerks 8.1, Intel 6.0 under linux
Como, KCC

are compilers that work.


> I have searched already in this list and the dev list for these MSVC
> compiler errors, but none of the solutions have worked so far.  I
> have turned off precompiled headers, built clean, tried defining
> BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES before including "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp"
> (or "boost/lambda/bind.hpp"), and I still always get this error under
> Visual C++ 6 SP5 (Win2k Pro SP3), in both the Debug and Release
> configurations:
> Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'dWin -
> Win32 Release'.
> --------------------Configuration: dWin - Win32 Release---------------
> -----
> Compiling...
> dwin-button.cpp
> dwin-common-control.cpp
> dwin-dialog.cpp
> C:\TMP\BOOST\BOOST_1_28_0\boost/lambda/detail/lambda_fwd.hpp(31) :
> fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR
>         (compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1794)
>          Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual
> C++
>          Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more
> information
> Not sure what I'm doing wrong..
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-- Jaakko Järvi                       email: jajarvi_at_[hidden]
-- Post Doctoral Fellow               phone: +1 (812) 855-3608
-- Pervasive Technology Labs          fax:   +1 (812) 855-4829
-- Indiana University, Bloomington

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