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From: Douglas Paul Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-22 22:23:09

Hi Marcin :)

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, marcinzalewski wrote:
> Here are some examples of errors I am getting:
> -----------
> cc-1132 CC: ERROR File = ../../boost_1_28_0/boost/iterator.hpp, Line = 54
> The namespace "std" has no member "ptrdiff_t".
> template <class Category, class T, class Distance = std::ptrdiff_t,
> ^

Are you using the C++/C compatibility headers? They are in
boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers. Then ptrdiff_t will be in namespace
std, as it should be.

> or
> cc-3307 CC: ERROR File =
> ../../boost_1_28_0/boost/type_traits/array_traits.hpp, Line = 24
> Invalid partial specialization--class "boost::is_array<<error-type>>" is
> already fully specialized.
> template <typename T, std::size_t N> struct is_array<T[N]>

Might be a manifestation of not having size_t in namespace std (just like
in the error above?).

Looking at the compiler status tables, it appears that iterator adaptors
worked fine with MIPSpro, but there were some library issues (i.e., it
worked fine with STLport but not with the library shipped with the
compiler). We might be able to work around the library issues...


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