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From: marcinzalewski (marcinzalewski_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-27 20:23:39

Hey Doug, :)
Thanks for help. I will try it and see what happens.


--- In Boost-Users_at_y..., Douglas Paul Gregor <gregod_at_c...> wrote:
> Hi Marcin :)
> On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, marcinzalewski wrote:
> > Here are some examples of errors I am getting:
> > -----------
> > cc-1132 CC: ERROR File = ../../boost_1_28_0/boost/iterator.hpp,
Line = 54
> > The namespace "std" has no member "ptrdiff_t".
> >
> > template <class Category, class T, class Distance =
> > ^
> Are you using the C++/C compatibility headers? They are in
> boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers. Then ptrdiff_t will be in namespace
> std, as it should be.
> > or
> >
> > cc-3307 CC: ERROR File =
> > ../../boost_1_28_0/boost/type_traits/array_traits.hpp, Line = 24
> > Invalid partial specialization--class
"boost::is_array<<error-type>>" is
> > already fully specialized.
> >
> > template <typename T, std::size_t N> struct is_array<T[N]>
> Might be a manifestation of not having size_t in namespace std (just
> in the error above?).
> Looking at the compiler status tables, it appears that iterator adaptors
> worked fine with MIPSpro, but there were some library issues (i.e., it
> worked fine with STLport but not with the library shipped with the
> compiler). We might be able to work around the library issues...
> Doug

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