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From: Dan Muller (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-26 21:30:20

I've upgraded XEmacs to the latest stable release for Windows, and that
didn't help with this problem. Perhaps I should build the latest bjam
from sources?

Dan Muller wrote:
> This may be a tad off-topic, but I couldn't find any reference to this
> relative to XEmacs, and the problem seems to be peculiar to bjam.
> If I try to run bjam under XEmacs, e.g. via M-x compile, M-x
> shell-command, or even from inside an XEmacs shell buffer (running CMD),
> I get the error "spawn: Invalid argument". More specifically, if I run
> it via shell-command, I get this:
> =====================
> ...found 331 targets...
> ...updating 1 target...
> gcc-Archive-action
> ..\phys_sim\bin\libphys_sim.lib\gcc-nocygwin\debug\architecture-native\debug-symbols-on\inlining-off\optimization-off\profiling-off\rtti-on\runtime-build-debug\runtime-link-dynamic\threading-single\vtable-thunks-default\libphys_sim.lib
> spawn: Invalid argument
> ======================
> ... which indicates that bjam is in fact starting, but has some problem.
> Or maybe the tools do. If I run it in the same directory from a regular
> command window, it works fine.
> I'm running XEmacs 21.4, with recently updated packages. The bjam
> executable was downloaded yesterday. (I'm trying to use it for something
> other than Boost, BTW.) The toolset I'm using is MinGW, the latest
> stable full-package release, with no package updates.
> Anyone have an idea what might be wrong? I'm getting tired of looking at
> my build output in a command window and then hunting for line numbers in
> my source code. :-)

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