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From: David Abrahams (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-02 19:34:03

"davlet_panech" <davlet_panech_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I'm having problems building release 1.28 with MSVC 6/STLPort
> 4.5.3/bjam on Windows NT 4. It seems that bjam tries to make a very
> VERY deep directory tree which at some point becomes too large due to
> path name limitations. By looking at the trace messages it seems
> something is very wrong there :) -- the directory tree is modelled
> after the command line options with some of the options repeated with
> different values at different levels in the tree. For example the
> following target fails (and there a few cases similar to this one; so
> that nothing gets compiled):
> mkdir libs\regex\build\bin\libboost_regex.lib\msvc-
> stlport\stlport-iostream-on\debug-symbols-on\exception-handling-
> on\inlining-off\optimization-off\rtti-on\runtime-build-debug\runtime-
> link-dynamic\stlport-cstd-namespace-std\stlport-iostream-off
> ...failed MkDir1 libs\regex\build\bin\libboost_regex.lib\msvc-
> stlport\stlport-iostream-on\debug-symbols-on\exception-handling-
> on\inlining-off\optimization-off\rtti-on\runtime-build-debug\runtime-
> link-dynamic\stlport-cstd-namespace-std\stlport-iostream-off...
> Notice how the path includes both stlport-iostream-off and stlport-
> iostream-on components. The command line I was using:
> bjam \
> -sTOOLS=msvc-stlport \
> -sBUILD=stlport-iostream-on
> -sSTLPORT_4.5.3_PATH="h:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\VC98\INCLUDE\stlport"
> The MSVC-specific environment was set up correctly (MSVCDir, INCLUDE,
> LIB).
> The STLPORT_4.5.3_PATH points to the directory containing the STLPort
> headers.
> What am I doing whrong?

The first most obvious thing is your BUILD variable setting, which should be
something more like



           David Abrahams * Boost Consulting
dave_at_[hidden] *

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