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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-16 12:48:39

At 12:08 PM 9/16/2002, John B. Williston wrote:
>I'm sorry for my earlier post. I didn't realize that the dir_it beta
>stuff was not what was being referred to as the "filesystem". I now
>know better, and I'm trying to make the filesystem stuff work instead.
>Unfortunately, I'm having no better luck. Consider the following code:

Could the problem be that you are trying to use the current Filesystem
stuff with Boost 1.28.0?

I've only been testing the Filesystem Library with the current Boost CVS,
which has many, many changes since 1.28.0 was released.

Does sample code from other Boost libraries compile and run OK for you?


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