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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-16 12:13:00

On Monday 16 September 2002 12:08 pm, John B. Williston wrote:
> That's a relatively brain-dead use, I should think, to enumerate the
> contents of the debug folder to the console. Unfortunately, when I try
> compiling this, the linker complains horribly about all kinds of
> symbols already being defined in the filesystem object modules. To
> ditch the linker errors, I've temporarily used the /force switch, but
> that's hardly illuminating. First, can anyone tell me how to avoid
> getting a plethora of multiply-defined symbol errors? Or is /force my
> only real option?

We'll need more information to find the source of the problem. For instance:

1) What compiler are you using?
2) How did you build the filesystem library (with Boost Jam?)
3) How did you link the filesystem library with your program?

FWIW, I've had no problems with the filesystem library on Linux with GCC. Just
build with Boost Jam and link like normal...


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