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Boost Users :

From: John B. Williston (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-16 13:02:38

On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 13:13:00 -0400, Douglas Gregor <gregod_at_[hidden]>

>We'll need more information to find the source of the problem. For instance:

First, thanks for the willingness to help. Second, the answers to your
questions are as follows.

>1) What compiler are you using?

The compiler that came with Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0, which is
currently updated with the latest service pack (i.e., SP5).

>2) How did you build the filesystem library (with Boost Jam?)

Yes, I used the bjam utility.

>3) How did you link the filesystem library with your program?

I copied the library built with the bjam utility into the local
directory for my project--if there's a smarter way to handle the
presently unofficial Boost libraries, please let me know--and then
altered my project settings to include it during the link step.

>FWIW, I've had no problems with the filesystem library on Linux with GCC. Just
>build with Boost Jam and link like normal...

Well, that's what I think I did, and it blows up in my face. Maybe I'm
missing something?


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