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From: Brian Neal (bneal_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-23 17:54:39

> From: "Peter Dimov" <pdimov_at_[hidden]>
> From: "Brian" <bneal_at_[hidden]>
> >...
> > BTW, can I submit a VxWorks version of shared_count? Does boost have
> > an interest in expanding beyond Win32/Posix/Linux?
> Yes. Platform-specific implementations of detail::atomic_count (used by
> 1.27) and detail::lightweight_mutex (used by the later versions) are
> welcome. Please take the time to read the comments in (the latest versions
> of) atomic_count.hpp and lightweight_mutex.hpp, though, as
> writing optimized
> threading primitives by hand is very difficult and error prone,
> as I learned
> the hard way. Of course a realtime OS should already have such primitives;
> I'm not familiar with VxWorks.

I am interested in doing this. I will take a look at those files. VxWorks
has primitives for these operations already. I would also like to take on
getting boost threads running under VxWorks, but I am not sure if I have the
time right now. I'll look into it. We already have thread classes that wrap
both VxWorks and Win32 so our software runs on both. Last time I looked,
boost threads were pretty simplistic (understandably at this point in time).

Why is the boost 1.28.0 zip distro 5.6 Megs COMPRESSED! Is it really that
big or is it all those pictures and documentation files?



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