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From: Craig Henderson (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-23 15:30:10

"John Maddock" <john_maddock_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> > I've developed my library with MSVC7 and am now trying to test on as
> > compiler as possible. Using g++ 2.95.3-5 on cywin, I get a compiler
> > using std::distance
> >
> > `distance' undeclared in namespace `std'
> >
> > I have tried all the obvious includes, but the problem seems to be a
> > configuration issue for using namespaces. The code compiles on
> > VC7/Dinkumware, VC7/STLport-4.5.3 and BCC 5.5.1 so I am confident that
> there
> > is no error in the code itself.
> >
> > Could someone please point me in the right direction?
> Almost certainly a missing:
> #include <iterator>

Thanks John. Unfortunately, this doesn't makes any difference. I'm really
stumped by this, it must be something simple! I think I'll have to request
the aid of g++/cygwin gurus once my code makes it into the sandbox. It's
strange that 3 compiler/STL combinations work, yet g++ just gives up :-(

> Apologies if you've tried that already... cygwin definitely has a
> std::distance though...
> John Maddock

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