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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-26 12:09:32

On Thursday 26 September 2002 01:02 pm, dick.bridges_at_[hidden] wrote:
> Thanks. I changed the map to:
> typedef map<session_id, boost::function<long, Y*, X*> > MyMessageMap;
> No errors but enough warnings to choke a horse. Have I just been nailed by
> VC6SP4? If so, I think I'll just give up and map the session-ids to Y*s.
> %>(
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I've never seen that warning before. What warning level are you using?

Anyway, just change boost::function<long, Y*, X*> to
        boost::function2<long, Y*, X*>

Then you'll be in conformance with upcoming Boost releases (Boost 1.29.0
deprecates the former syntax), and the warning should disappear.


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