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From: Bobby Thomale (bobby-thomale_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-26 12:43:26

I was looking through the latest boost documentation, trying to find a way
to get a shared_ptr from a this pointer of an object that already is
contained by a shared_ptr somewhere, without knowing about that other
shared_ptr out there.

I noticed this intriguing comment in the latest docs:

> [This constructor has been changed to a template in order to remember the
> actual pointer type passed. The destructor will call delete with the same
> pointer, complete with its original type, even when T does not have a virtual
> destructor, or is void.
> In the current implementation, if p is convertible to counted_base *,
> shared_ptr will use the embedded reference count supplied by counted_base.
> This is an (experimental) attempt to provide a way for shared_ptr to be
> constructed from a raw pointer such as this. A free function
> shared_from_this(q) performs the conversion when q is convertible to
> counted_base const *.
> The optional intrusive counting employed by the current implementation allows
> shared_ptr to interoperate with intrusive_ptr, an experimental generic
> intrusive-counted smart pointer.
> Another possible implementation is to use a global pointer-to-count map
> instead of intrusive counting. shared_from_this would no longer be O(1), which
> is a concern for some users, although I do not expect any performance
> problems, since the operation is rare. Maintaining a global map is difficult;
> it needs to be initialized before any shared_ptr instances are constructed,
> and the initialization needs to be thread safe. In addition, under the Windows
> dynamic library model, it is possible for several maps to exist.
> It is not yet clear which implementation should be used, or whether the
> specification should allow both; nevertheless, the ability to make a
> shared_ptr from this is considered essential by experienced smart pointer
> users.]

That looks like EXACTLY what I am looking for. But a couple things aren't
clear to me:

1. Usage - The docs tell me its there but don't really say explicitly how
to use it. It looks like, to use this, all I have to do is subclass
boost::counted_base in my class that is being shared. Then I can just call
shared_from_this to get another shared_ptr out of myself and it should just
work. If that is all I have to do, then awesome! Is it really that easy or
is there another step I am missing?

2. The word "experimental" above scares me. :-) If I use the counted_base
subclass and shared_from_this function, is that code going to break later on
if you guys change your minds?

Anyway, I just want to reiterate what the comment at the end says, that the
ability to make a shared_ptr from *this is essential to use these things.

                                -- Bobby

Bobby Thomale
Senior Software Developer
Inoveon Corporation

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