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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-15 15:09:46

At 12:02 PM 10/15/2002, Arjun Bijanki wrote:

>"David Abrahams" writes:
>> "Arjun Bijanki" <arjunb_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> > Hi, I'm having trouble running the Boost_1_29_0 regression tests. A
>> >
>> Arjun,
>> What are you doing to compile/link the tests?
>> The supported method uses bjam. Have you tried that?
>> If you use the -d+2 option you can look at the command-lines used and
>> replicate them in whatever environment you like.
>> -Dave
>Thanks. Previously, I was using /status/regression.cpp to generate the
>status table; I'll try using bjam instead.

We probably should have removed regression.cpp from the 1.29.0 release. The
thought occurred to me, but that was before we decided to include all the
new regression test components in the current CVS main trunk. Now that the
main trunk has everything needed for the new tests, there is no reason to
keep regression.cpp around.

I'll remove it.


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