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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-15 17:42:49

> Thanks for the input so far. I too would like to call for some blanket
> license that all boost developers agree to (if possible). It looks like I'll
> be contacting developers individually and trying to get them to sign
> something for us. Not fun for either side I guess.

This didn't go into 1.29, but I went ahead and put a license page
in the documents for the date_time library that so that you
hopefully that would serve as a single point of reference instead
of having to go to each source file. So I'll be interested to
know if your lawyers will accept that approach. If they do,
then we might be able to....

Have a summary table for all of boost:
bind boost standard license
date_time boost standard license
foobar_lib see http://libs/....

Oh, and where possible authors could adopt the boost standard
license, if we had such a thing. Seems like there has
been some previous discussion of this. I'm guessing that
a big percentage of the libraries would adopt it b/c for
all practical purposes the licensing isn't that much
different. But someone has to draft it, post it to the
developer group and get the ball rolling.

Brian you seem like the logical 'draftee' since you are
already having to sort thru this mess :^)


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