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Boost Users :

From: Jon Kalb (kalb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-18 13:35:40

As you know there are currently three Boost mailing lists:

   Boost - the discussion list for Boost library developers

   Boost-Users - the discussion list for Boost library users

   Boost-Announce - for library review and release announcements

But we feel the need for an additional list. This list, Boost-Interest, will
be an announcement list for items of interest to members of the Boost
community. We see this as a low volume, moderated list on which commercial
announcements are acceptable if relevant.

We have written a proposed charter (below), but we invite comments and
volunteers to moderate this list.

Boost-Interest: Proposed Charter

   Boost-Interest is a moderated mailing list of announcements
   of interest to the Boost community. On topic messages will
   include announcements of books, magazine articles, papers,
   talks, seminars, products, tools, events, or conferences on
   advanced uses of C++, generic/generative/meta-programming,
   and, of course, the Boost libraries. Off topic will be
   discussions of any kind and job postings.

If you are have comments on this list or its charter please send them to
either or both Doug and Jon (addresses below). Also contact us if you are
interested in moderating this list.

Please do not ask for subscription information yet. We will announce details
when we know them.

Doug Gregor <gregod_at_[hidden]>     Jon Kalb <Kalb_at_[hidden]>

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at