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Boost Users :

From: Chris Russell (cdr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-18 15:26:30

This sounds like a good idea to me. I understand the ban on discussions but
why the ban on job postings? Particularly as the list will be moderated and
agency spew could be > /dev/null'd?

- cdr

"Jon Kalb" <kalb_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> As you know there are currently three Boost mailing lists:
> Boost - the discussion list for Boost library developers
> Boost-Users - the discussion list for Boost library users
> Boost-Announce - for library review and release announcements
> But we feel the need for an additional list. This list, Boost-Interest,
> be an announcement list for items of interest to members of the Boost
> community. We see this as a low volume, moderated list on which commercial
> announcements are acceptable if relevant.
> We have written a proposed charter (below), but we invite comments and
> volunteers to moderate this list.
> Boost-Interest: Proposed Charter
> Boost-Interest is a moderated mailing list of announcements
> of interest to the Boost community. On topic messages will
> include announcements of books, magazine articles, papers,
> talks, seminars, products, tools, events, or conferences on
> advanced uses of C++, generic/generative/meta-programming,
> and, of course, the Boost libraries. Off topic will be
> discussions of any kind and job postings.
> If you are have comments on this list or its charter please send them to
> either or both Doug and Jon (addresses below). Also contact us if you are
> interested in moderating this list.
> Please do not ask for subscription information yet. We will announce
> when we know them.
> --
> Doug Gregor <gregod_at_[hidden]> Jon Kalb <Kalb_at_[hidden]>
> Info: <>
> Wiki: <>
> Unsubscribe: <mailto:boost-users-unsubscribe_at_[hidden]>
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at