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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-19 05:31:48

> Unfortunately, bjam is somewhat limited by the underlying shell used
> to actually run the build commands. We've had a hard time getting it
> to cooperate with Win9x for that reason. John Maddock has had some
> success by building and running bjam under Cygwin, which has no
> command-line length limitation. I'm not sure whether it can be made to
> run the Borland toolset that way or not, but I know that John targets
> Borland so it's a good bet.

At one stage that did work, but not any more, the cygwin build will only
build cygwin apps (it's a problem with the way in which cygwin passes
absolute paths to the programs it spawns).

You can probably build all you want from the IDE pretty easily - many people
do that all the time.

John Maddock

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