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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-18 16:00:56

"Fernando Cacciola" <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm having a hard time trying to use bjam to build boost 1.29.0.
> I have Win98 in Spanish, and I use Borland C++ Builder 5.0 (its bcc32.exe
> corresponds to is BCC5.5.1)
> I have boost 1.29.0 installed at: "C:\Libraries\boost\Repository\boost"


> If I'm interpreting this output correctly, the problem is that the command
> line feed to bcc32 exceeds 256 characters.
> What can be done about this?
> Is there a way for 'borland-tools.jam' to put the bcc32 parameters in a tmp
> response file and use: bcc32.exe @tmprsp.rsp?
> Any help will be appreciated.


Unfortunately, bjam is somewhat limited by the underlying shell used
to actually run the build commands. We've had a hard time getting it
to cooperate with Win9x for that reason. John Maddock has had some
success by building and running bjam under Cygwin, which has no
command-line length limitation. I'm not sure whether it can be made to
run the Borland toolset that way or not, but I know that John targets
Borland so it's a good bet.


                    David Abrahams
dave_at_[hidden] *
Building C/C++ Extensions for Python: Dec 9-11, Austin, TX

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