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Boost Users :

From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-23 05:54:22

> I'm using VC++ 6.0 with the SGI implementation of the STL. I'm trying to
use the shared_ptr but when I try to include the <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> file
I get about 40 errors. Most are related to errors redefining template
functions. Its conflicting with the SGI STL header files but I'm not sure
how to fix it. I keep thinking that I need to adjust the include order
(Currently the Boost files are first, the the STL, then Microsofts includes.
It doesn't matter where the Boost include directory is though I still get
the same errors :
> this is a small sample

I think the boost config system is selecting the wrong std library config
and then defining BOOST_NO_STD_MIN_MAX when it shouldn't be. I'll update
select_std_lib_config.hpp to fix this (see attached version).

John Maddock

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