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From: Schnörr, Claudius Dr. (Claudius.Schnoerr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-31 08:06:16


I run into problems building boost under cygwin.

It seems to be merely a matter of a wrong configuration or wrong scripts.

After running 'bjam -sTOOLS=gcc -n >' in boost/libs/python/build
in order to get hands on the statements being executed by bjam,
there had to be made a lot of textual replacements to get the statements in run:

Just to mention some:

- replace '-isystem ' by '-I'
- remove '-I""'
- change shared library-names from *.so to *.dll
- insert '-L <path_to_libpython2.2.dll> -lpython2.2' where shared libs are

In boost/libs/python/test, going the same way, there have in addition this
changes to be made:
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... --> PATH=$PATH:..., because cygwin uses PATH to look
for .dlls

My question:

I think there have to be made more configurations than I did to create the
boost.python-stuff under cygwin.
Where have they to be done, and what?
(I already configured environment variables like GCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY, GXX,
PYTHON_ROOT, ...etc...)

Any suggestions are welcome!

Please send a copy of your answer to

Thank you in advance,


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