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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-06 09:45:48

"Schnörr, Claudius Dr." <Claudius.Schnoerr_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Hello,
> I run into problems building boost under cygwin.
> It seems to be merely a matter of a wrong configuration or wrong scripts.
> After running 'bjam -sTOOLS=gcc -n >' in boost/libs/python/build
> in order to get hands on the statements being executed by bjam,

Did you use the Win32 bjam downloaded from the website, or did you try
to build your own bjam under Cygwin? I build and test a Cygwin version
of on Boost.Python on a regular basis using the former executable (or
one built from source with a regular Win32 toolset like MSVC).

> there had to be made a lot of textual replacements to get the statements in
> run:
> Just to mention some:
> - replace '-isystem ' by '-I'

Was that neccessary? My Cygwin GCC responds nicely to -isystem.

> - remove '-I""'
> - change shared library-names from *.so to *.dll

That's handled automatically when you do it my way.

> - insert '-L <path_to_libpython2.2.dll> -lpython2.2' where shared libs are
> created
> In boost/libs/python/test, going the same way, there have in addition this
> changes to be made:
> - LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... --> PATH=$PATH:..., because cygwin uses PATH to look
> for .dlls
> My question:
> I think there have to be made more configurations than I did to create the
> boost.python-stuff under cygwin.

I don't understand that sentence.

                    David Abrahams
dave_at_[hidden] *

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